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- Zaitsev L.N. Chairmen of Кostroma district court: their role and place in the judicial system Russian empire (1871-1917). Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 239–246. (In Russ.)
- DOI: https//
- УДК: 347.97
- Publish date: 2024-09-02
- Annotation: Based on archival and historical materials, the article examines in detail the personalities of the chairmen of the Kostroma District Court for the period 1871–1917. Based on the study of the personnel of Kostroma District Court, the purpose of the study is to analyse the personalities of its chairmen as a special social group and their place in the system of judicial authorities of the Russian Empire. The main stages of their life path, formation and professional development as judicial figures are revealed. Topicality is due to insufficient research of the scientific biographies of the chairmen of the courts of post-reform Russia, as well as the expansion of the source base of research on their personalities. The author introduced new facts about the activities of the chairmen of Kostroma District Court into scientific circulation, which made it possible to recreate the portrait of judicial officials of the second half of the 19th – the early 20th century. Their estate origin, education, well-being, marital status, and official status are investigated. Their role and place in the activities of the judicial bodies of the Russian Empire are noted, including through effective public administration in the field of justice in the context of an increasing crisis of power. The conclusion is made about their personal contribution to the management of the judicial branch of government in Kostroma Province, their professionalism.
- Keywords: Judicial reform in 1864, Kostroma District Court, Chairman, censorship.
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