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- Khabibullina F.Ya., Ivanova I.G. The functioning of comonyms in modern song texts of the Tatar and Mari peoples. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 175–186 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998- 0817-2024- 30-3-175-186
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-3-175-186
- УДК: 81’373.72
- Publish date: 2024-05-26
- Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern musical and song tradition of the contacting ethnic groups of the Middle Volga region. The main attention is focused on the study of song texts in the Tatar and Mari languages contained in the names of rural settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Mari El. The preservation of a common trend for all ethnic groups, expressed in the unification of thematic groups, the preservation of common features of national and cultural specificity in the performance of musical works, has been established. An archaic pentatonic characteristic of the Tatar song model, borrowed into the Mari folk song, has been recorded. It is confirmed that the basis of the modern Tatar and Mari musical and song culture of the village is the genre of village chant, marking the place of existence of the song and informing about the attribution of the song to a certain locality. There is a direct connection between the village and the rustic motif (chant). The implementation of the village tune is carried out mainly in everyday languages through lyrical songs and “takmak”. “Takmak” (analogous to Russian chastushka), as a legacy of the musical influence of the Turkic-Tatar population of the Middle Volga region, retained its influence on the musical tradition of the Cheremis (Mari) people, which allowed to establish a certain kinship of modern folkish songs of these peoples in rural society. The marking of the geographical affiliation of the song works is provided by toponyms describing the location of a particular locality. Song collections of a consolidated type in the Tatar and Mari languages are presented in printed and electronic versions. A comparative analysis of modern songs, including comonyms, revealed the manifestation of similar features when they are implemented in a natural cultural environment. Most modern folkish songs, both Tatar and Mari, are based on traditional motifs of the small homeland, nostalgia for the rural nativity, love of nature, autobiographical history, memories of past youth and childhood, indicating the characteristic features of the geo-landscape for this territory, as well as linguistic and cultural images based on the motives of sociocommunication – the presentation of the settlement, its residents, outstanding natives, self-presentation, promotion of village traditions, relationships of the multiethnic composition of the village, etc.
- Keywords: comonym, song, song text, genre, thematic group, Mari language, Tatar language, Middle Volga region.
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