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- Firsova M.A. The phenomenon of aggression in language: the problem of terminology. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 140–147 (In Russ.). 0817-2024-30-3-140-147
- DOI:
- УДК: 81’1
- Publish date: 2024-06-13
- Annotation: The article highlights the main approaches to describing aggression in language. The polyphonic status of speech aggression is associated with the interdisciplinarity of this phenomenon and is explained by the widespread spread of aggression in modern speech practice. The purpose of this article is to present and compare the approaches available in language to the study of aggression and the definition of aggression within the framework of a linguocognitive approach. The directions of scientific linguistic thought in the study of aggression are described and its typological differences are established, which serve as the basis for conceptual approaches to classifying its types. The typology of verbal aggression in the works of Russian researchers in the following areas is considered: 1) speech act, 2) form of speech behaviour, 3) communicative strategy, 4) speech (communicative) action. It is established that verbal aggression includes not only the known means of its verbalisation, but also all possible conditions of the communicative space, the specifics of the discourse in which it is represented, the state and status of communicants. This is due to a comprehensive approach to understanding verbal aggression, which consists in harming the addressee or the object of speech. Choosing an aggressive form of speech behaviour, the speaker performs two functions: adaptation or protection. These functions of human aggression determine its existence in different types of discourse, determine the forms of its verbalisation.
- Keywords: verbal aggression, communicative-pragmatic approach, form of speech behaviour, communicative strategy, speech act
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