Vadim B. Semyonov
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Semyonov V.B. The First English Sonnet and its Parodic Essence. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, № 1, pp. 100–106. https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-1-100-106
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-1-100-106
УДК: 821(410.1).09
Publish date: 2024-02-12
Annotation: The article is devoted to the consideration of questions about which sonnet was the first example of a national genre form in English poetry, and about the relationship between its text and previous traditions and specific monuments. The research material was a fragment of the chivalric romance “Amoryus and Cleopes” by John Metham. Topicality of the study is due to the lack of knowledge of this text. The form of graphic organisation of the selected fragment is analysed against the background of comparisons with various ways of setting up classical Italian sonnets, then the meaningful motifs and the integral plot of the fragment are correlated with the content of Francesco Petrarch’s book “De remediis utriusque fortunae” and in more detail with the plot of Geoffrey Chaucer’s early poem “The Book of the Duchess”. The general A.M. Severinus Boethius’s theme of the Wheel of Fortune is noted, and the movement of the plot in Chaucer and Metham and both figures of their complaining knights, as well as the causes of their suffering, are assessed. In the process of analysis, it is possible to establish that a fragment of the novel, designed by the author on the model of Italian sonnets, yet containing an original rhyme scheme, which will become known as the rhyme of an English sonnet, exhibits a parodic character in relation to the texts of Petrarch and Chaucer.
Keywords: John Metham, “Amoryus and Cleopes”, chivalric romance, Francesco Petrarch, Geoffrey Chaucer, English sonnet, rhyme scheme.
Literature list: Semyonov V.B. Polizhanrovaia struktura poemy Dzh. Metema «Amorii i Kleopa» (1449) i bestiarnye motivy v «entsiklopedicheskom» epizode ee siuzheta [Multi-genre structure of J. Metham's poem “Amoryus and Cleopes” (1449) and bestiary motifs in the “encyclopedic” episode of its plot]. Litera, 2023, No. 12, pp. 403-416. (In Russ.) Semyonov V.B. Sonet [Sonnet], Chernets L.V., Semyonov V.B., Skiba V.A. Shkol'nyi slovar' literaturovedcheskikh terminov [School Dictionary of Literary Terms]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 2005, pp. 154-162. (In Russ.) Borghesi P. Petrarch and his Influence on English Literature. Bologna, Nicholas Zanichelli Publ., 1906, 135 p. Bullock W.L. The Genesis of the English Sonnet Form. PMLA, 1923, vol. 38, iss. 4, pp. 729-744. Chaucer G. The Riverside Chaucer, ed. by L.D. Benson, 3rd ed. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co. Publ., 1987, 1327 p. Diekstra F.N.M. A Dialogue Between Reason and Adversity: A Late Middle English Version of Petrarch's “De Remediis”. Assen, 1968, 161 p. Einstein L. The Italian Renaissance in England: Studies. New York, The Columbia University Press Publ., 1902, 420 p. Fuller J. The Sonnet. London & New York, Methuen & Co Publ., 1972, 58 p. Metham J. Amoryus and Cleopes, ed. by S.F. Page. Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publ., 1999, 142 p. Metham J. The Works of John Metham, Including the Romance of Amoryus and Cleopes, ed. by H. Craig. London, The Early English Text Society Publ., 1916, 184 p. Puttenham G. The Art of English Poesy: A Critical Edition, ed. by Whigham, F.; Rebhorn W.A. Ithaca & London, Cornell University Press Publ., 2011, 498 p. Regan S. The Sonnet. Oxford, Oxford University Press Publ., 2019, 448 p. Rossiter W.T. Chaucer and Petrarch. Cambridge, D.S. Brewer Publ., 2010, 235 p. Sayle Ch. Annals of Cambridge University Library 1278-1900. Cambridge, University Library Publ., 1916, 153 p. Spiller M.R.G. The Development of the Sonnet: an Introduction. London & New York, Taylor and Francis & Routledge Publ., 2004, 246 p. Wilson E. A newly identified Middle English translation from Petrarch. Notes and Queries, 1980, vol. 27, iss. 6, p. 500.
Author's info: Vadim B. Semyonov, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, vadsemionov@ mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2532-5381