Irina B. Gorlanova
Kostroma State University
Sofia G. Sharabarina
Kostroma State University
Gorlanova I.B., Sharabarina S.G. Development of a cycle of excursion routes dedicated to A.N. Ostrovsky on the topic: “A.N. Ostrovsky and Kostroma Territory”. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № S, pp. 152–157 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-S-152-157
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-S-152-157
УДК: 371.233.4 (81.373.211) (338.48.32)
Publish date: 2023-07-18
Annotation: The urgency of the problem is connected with the 200th anniversary of A.N. Ostrovsky, which reflected the unfading interest in the life and work of the playwright. Kostroma is the birthplace of the ancestors of A.N. Ostrovsky, and the estate “Shchelykovoˮ, located in the Kostroma region, became his creative laboratory for many years. One of the ways to get acquainted with the work of a playwright is to conduct thematic excursions. The article reflects the development of a cycle of excursions dedicated to the playwright A.N. Ostrovsky in the Kostroma region. The main objects of the show associated with the Kostroma relatives and friends of the writer, as well as the places reflected in the plays of the playwright are determined. The role of Kostroma motifs in his work is revealed. The article gives examples of local objects that can be included in the tour, defines the main methods of showing and telling during the tour. As a result, a developed cycle of excursions around the city of Kostroma and the Kostroma Territory is proposed, which will introduce tourists to interesting facts from the biography of A.N. Ostrovsky, will show the reflection of Kostroma motives in his plays, show the significance of the playwright’s heritage in the history and culture of the region.
Keywords: literary excursion, cyclic excursions, display object, display techniques, storytelling techniques, urban environment, playwright A.N. Ostrovsky.
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Author's info: Irina B. Gorlanova, candidate of filologi sciences, associate professor of the Department of Media Communications and Tourism, Kostroma State University, Russia, Kostroma, irin9991@yandex.ru, http//orcid.org/0009-0001-2500-3377
Co-author's info: Sofia G. Sharabarina, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Media Communications and Tourism, Kostroma State University, Russia, Kostroma, sonya9991@yandex.ru