Igor S. Kara
Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky
Prevention of bullying among minors at school
Kara I.S. Prevention of bullying among minors at school. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № 2, pp. 212–219. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-2-212-219
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-2-212-219
УДК: 343.915
Publish date: 2023-05-05
Annotation: The problems of violence among minors, which takes the form of bullying, are quite actively discussed in society. The causes of deviant violent behaviour of children against their peers are overwhelmingly related to the problems of family bonding of perpetrators and their victims. The lack of an adequate response to aggression often leads to the criminalisation of adolescents’ personalities and, at the same time, to the victimisation of potential victims of bullying. Investigations have shown that minors most often experience bullying at school and in the street. What is the leading area of activity for adolescence, is schooling. Educational institutions, whose vocation is to equip pupils with a certain amount of knowledge, should pay more attention to the upbringing of pupils and the prevention of deviant behaviour. Recently adopted normative acts aimed at intensifying the upbringing activity of general educational institutions, including the prevention of violence, bullying among minors, are considered in the article. It is necessary to establish the training of teachers to carry out the work of upbringing, to manage children’s collective, to implement preventive activities in modern conditions of social development. In order to increase the role of ubringing of general education institutions, it is necessary to revise the norms of teachers’ labour load and criteria for payment of ubringing work. Also, the issues of expediency of introducing a draft law, which would be aimed at combating bullying in schools and bullying prevention, submitted to the State Duma of Russia and subsequently developed by the Ministry of Education as the State Bullying Prevention Programme and creation of the Unified Bullying Prevention Standard and administrative responsibility of schools for their non-fulfilment, are considered in the article. The conclusion is that excessive unification of bullying prevention work of general education institutions with reporting and administrative liability measures in case of non-fulfilment of measures aimed at bullying prevention is not appropriate.
Keywords: violence among minors, family problems, harassment (bullying) among schoolchildren, upbringing activity of teachers.
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Author's info: Igor S. Kara, Candidate of Jural Sciences, Associate Professor, Bryansk State University named after Academician I.G. Petrovsky, Bryansk, Russia, kara-igor2009@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6584-9588