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- Goncharenko E.V., Taisaeva S.B., Polyakova E.V., Agaguliev G.A. The main physiological and pantomimic markers of information concealment (lie) in involved persons and malingerers. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 3, pp. 220–225. https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2022-28-3-220-225
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2022-28-3-220-225
- УДК: 340.6
- Publish date: 2022-10-01
- Annotation: Lying is a bio-psycho-social phenomenon of the human psyche with primatological and zoological studies determining deceiving characteristic of not just humans, but also mammals and even plants. The study of deliberate concealment of the truth is topical when there is a threat to the life and health of an individual or there is misleading of an official. The article deals with physiological and pantomimic markers when hiding the truth from the persons involved. In instrumentless lie detection (verification), a special role is given to the body movements of the subject (gestures), since motor production is an important correlator of human neuropsychic activity. The evolutionary, biopsychosocial origin of markers of non-verbal behaviour during deception is analysed. The paper provides a complete classification of the reactions of the autonomic nervous system and the limbic part of the brain when information is concealed. The pilot study involved 95 people aged 16 to 55 as respondents; in the course of a survey conversation (interview) on control and verification questions, physiological reactions and pantomime to the fear of possible exposure were recorded and differentiated. Gestures during deception were of an adaptive, resourceful unconscious nature, the genesis of physiological reactions was associated with an evolutionary pattern and a stressful response to a negative stimulus. The relevance of verification in investigative, law enforcement and medical practice is discussed.
- Keywords: lies, limbic system, gesticulation, gestures, pantomime, non-verbal behaviour, physiological response
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