Sergey V. Zhilyakov
Belgorod National Research University
The poem "In Memoriam..." as an independent genre form in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky
Zhilyakov S.V. The poem "In Memoriam..." as an independent genre form in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 154–159 (In Russ.). DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-154-159
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-154-159
УДК: 821.161.1.09”20”
Publish date: 2021-11-16
Annotation: The article deals with the poetics of the poem "In Memoriam..." in the works of Joseph Brodsky in terms of works of the same name. It is established that the genre-forming factor in it are elements of compositional and content unity, such as the title, thematic reflection, the status of the author's "I", archetypal images of water and related connotatives that make up the internal chronotope and locus indices, which are associated with the metaphor "to recur to memory" and which in Brodsky have the form of mythopoesis, defined by autobiographical and semiotic meanings. It is revealed that works of the type "In Memoriam...", although they have genealogical connections, are different from the epitaph, poems to commemorate death of certain persons, that the typological connection brings them closer to the dedicatory tradition. In this connection, it is concluded that in relation to the desired genre that combines the poems "In Memoriam...", one can use the original name that separates it, or consider it a poetic mnemonic dedication.
Keywords: non-subjectivity of author's "I", genre, chronotope, locus, expanded metaphor, archetypal image, connotative, compositional and content unity
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Author's info: Sergey V. Zhilyakov, ORCID: 0000-0002-5875-4134, Candidate of Philological Science, Belgorod National Research University, branch in the City of Stary Oskol, Stary Oskol, Russia E-mail: szhil@list.ru