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Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2019. Vol. 25. № 4.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2019. Vol. 25. № 4. 226 p.
Historical sciences and archaeology
A.S. Akbiyev, M.B. Abdusalamov On the origin of Dagestani shamhals and Gazikumukh Shamkhalate (the 12th to 16th centuries) D.I. Polyvyannyy The Athos Bulgarian history writing of the 18th century between the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period V.N. Benda Problems of material and technical support of the first military schools in the early 18th century Ye.L. Sarayeva, I.A. Tsoy The 1870s populists’ idea of Russian origins of why they were in opposition S.A. Sotnikov, A.A. Sotnikov, G.P. Kamneva Female terrorism phenomenon in the "Narodnaya Volya" (People's Will) movement (1870s to 80s) A.S. Chernozhukov The activity of the Union of Unions in the period of the Russian Revolution of 1905 Ye.Ye. Abekhtikov The role of the proletariat as a class in 1917 and at first after the October Revolution Therapont, Metropolitan of Kostroma and Nerekhta Preparations for 1917–18 Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in Kostroma eparchy Ye.V. Larina On formation of the system of vocational education in Soviet Russia in the early 1920s (on the materials of Moscow and the Moscow Province) Sh.T. Abdurazakova Education and science development in Dagestan in the 1940s-1950s M.S. Vorontsov, Yu.S. Nikiforov "All in hand": images of power and communicative practices of regional elites in later years of the USSR through the prism of spoken history D.I. Sazonov, A.A. Fedotov Changes in the organisation of parish administration in the Russian Orthodox Church in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia V.A. Tulyanov The problem of the effectiveness of social service of the Russian Orthodox Church in penitentiary institutions in the modern history of Russia
Science of literature
G.A. Veligorskiy "And follow round the forest track / Away behind the sofa back": the game of "Robinson Crusoe" and its space (river, forest, estate) in children’s literature and memories (Russian-English context) O.A. Meteleva Forming the phenomenon of the "country estate text" of Russian literature in the poetry of Vasily Maykov and his contemporaries V.V. Tikhomirov Ivan Aksakov as a literary critic Ye.N. Belyakova "We pay no heed to the ideal… We pay heed to trifle and trifle…" The issue of moral and ethical evaluation of Alexander Ostrovsky's works in literary criticism of the second half of the 19th century Pititrim, Bishop of the town of Zvenigorod Words of Saint Theophan the Recluse and childish image in epistles to children and in manuscripts on upbringing T.N. Shmelyova The novella "The Falling in Love of Fedora" by Kate Chopin in the context of "New Woman" discussions in the late 19th century L.Yu. Korshunova The criticism of language in one-acter cycle of "The Comedy of Seduction" by Arthur Schnitzler V.V. Korolyova "Reflectivity" as "Hoffmann complex" structural element in the "Mirrors" short-stories cycle by Zinaida Gippius O.V. Bystrova Il'ya Aleksandrovich Gruzdev – researcher of Maxim Gorky's creative heritage Ye.A. Markova "After Rilke": revisiting the question of the genre of Derek Mahon’s poem "Night Drive" T.V. Ternopol The hypotext of a children’s game in "Five Little Pigs" by Agatha Christie A.S. Stoletova The transformation of the socialist worldview of the village prose writers and the ideological basis of acutely social works about the Russian North peasant lifestyle N.S. Frolova Devices of comic in the work of the 20th century English-speaking Ugandan poets Ye.V. Zimina Lost meanings in the translation of Dmitry Novikov’s novel A Flame Out at Sea into English Nguyễn Thị Hoan, G.G. Yermilova Rodion Raskolnikov's dreams in Vietnamese translation
Jural science
L.Yu. Larina System of criminal law norms ensuring transport safety T.V. Pinkevich, A.V. Nesterenko Security of digital technologies in the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation A.V. Kudryashova About administrative powers of the chairman of district court and need of improvement of their legal regulation V.V. Glushkov On the issue of status of assistant judge and session clerk in district courts N.V. Ganzha, Ye.V. Varentsova The secrecy of adoption: problems and ways to improve R.G. Nurmagambetov, V.S. Popov General theoretical problems of determining the object of constitutional regulation of public relations and its types in the Russian Federation I.V. Sehin Regulatory density: concept and rating scale S.P. Koval’, M.Yu. Tsvetkov Trends in the development of Russian legislation regulating the mechanism of political parties' participation in elections S.I. Sayenko Properties of the system of sources of law of the People's Republic of Lugansk A.S. Tkach The phenomenon of absenteeism in pre-revolutionary Russia
University scientific life
Ye.A. Akel’kina A new concept of Alexander Ostrovsky's early creative work and his formation as a playwright M.S. Vorontsov, M.S. Kishchenkov, Yu.S. Nikiforov, D.V. Tumakov, Ya.N. Sirotkin "The Lords" of the Golden Ring of Russia. Soviet regional elites and Moscow at the turning point of events (the 1960s to 1980s). The 2nd round table of Yaroslavl’s young historians