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Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2017. Vol. 23. № 1.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2017. Vol. 23. № 1. 306 p.
Historical Sciences and Archaeology
A.I. Yegorov, A.V. Paramonov, I.Yu. Pervuhina The German factor in relations between Russia and the European Union (2001—2007) G.A. Khannanova The role of the FRG in the Middle East peacemaking process: history and contemporaneity M.I. Vtorushin Czechoslovak Legion in the Russian Civil War East front I.V. Shil’nikova «Hungry» strikes in the Soviet Russia in 1918—1920 A.S. Baturin, N.S. Ravochkin The early 1950s—mid 1960s Kemerovo Region’s intercity and suburban trucking route network in development analysis S.A. Ditkovskaya International cooperation of the Ukraine Society of Friendship in the Sphere of Science and Education (1959—1970s) S.S. Vykhor’ Awards of the Russian Imperial Navy sailors by South European countries P.V. Chelyshev The spiritual and moral foundations of history in the light of ancient my-thology (the epic poems by Hesiod and Homer as an example) M.B. Abekhtikova Revival of church and spiritual and moral upbringing in Russia in the late 20th—early 21st centuries G.V. Ibneyeva, I.P. Yermolayev, A.I. Mukhamadeyev The representatives of the Mennonite community in dialogue with the Empress Catherine II of Russia A.M. Belov, A.O. Gulin Socio-political situation in the provinces of the Upper Volga on the eve of the February Revolution A.K. Kiselyov, I.A. Korobkina, L.A. Popova Muslims in the British armed forces in the early 21st century C.R. Alaberdov American concept of a new world order. Russia – the Third Rome. A look in a retrospective A.V. Shipilov The Kyrgyz diaspora in Russia: new stage of intercultural interaction
Science of Literature
A.V. Toporova Angela of Foligno’s «Liber» as a beautiful specimen of revelation genre K.A. Chekalov Echoes of discussion of a serial novel in French literature (the late 19th to the early 20th centuries) K.B. Volkova The Play «Warrior’s Heart» by King Rama VI: topical issues of Thai dramaturgy and traditions of theatre classicism L.Ye. Saburova The experimental nature of the autobiographical prose of Eugenio Montale Yu.Z. Mirkina Myth-poeti space of the novel «Homo Faber» by Max Frisch A.A. Akatova The concepts of «Aristos» and «Nemo»: linguocultural and functional-stylistic aspects A.R. Khabibullina Childish folklore as mechanism of child’s socialisation in Bashkir traditional culture (the late 19th—the early 20th century) O.V. Belopukhova Genre peculiarities of Ivan Turgenev’s pieces and ballad A.A. Fedotova Alexander Herzen and the Russian sociopolitical journalism of the 1860s O.A. Alferova Leo Tolstoy’s unfamiliar notes in the margins of «The Whim» magazine (based on the material of the writer’s library in his estate «Yasnaya Polyana») O.V. Bystrova The play «Enemies» by Maxim Gorky: on the genre belonging A.A. Alekseyeva «Shield Heart» by Sergei Klychkov: on the issue of the artistic entirety of the work A.A. Kryukov Reconstruction of the aesthetic position in artistic-journalistic works of Yuriy Fel’tsen D.S. Gromatikopolo Mikhail Dudin’s lyric poetry in the period of the events at the World War II East Front: between rhetoric and «eternal themes» G.V. Tokarev On some cognitive features of postmodern literature (in terms of the story «Virtuality» by Vladimir Berezin)
Science of Language
V.G. Lebedinskaya The study of historical lexicology by principle studies of thematic groups I.V. Brodskiy Finno-Ugric plant names containing zoosemisms with «horse» meaning (on the lexical material of Finno-Perm languages) I.B. Gorlanova Microtoponyms (names of objects that serve as place names), 18th and 19th centuries, City of Kostroma S.O. Kiparisova On the issue of compiling dictionary of Ryazan Region phraseological dialectisms S.V. Okulovskaya Function words in the Unzha patois lexis (in terms of Ivan Kasatkin’s pieces) L.A. Dmitruk Vocabulary of lexis of comic opera «The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker» by Alexander Ablesimov (tasks and compiling principles) A.V. Blohin, T.S. Kurkina The structure and semantics of composites in the novel «War and Peace» by Leo Tolstoy T.B. Kolyshkina, I.V. Shustina Grammatical means of creating advertising image N.A. Kulintseva, O.L. Zaytseva Cataphoric and anaphoric functions of a final component of a paragraph in the text O.A. Zagorodnova Pragmatic markedness as characteristic feature of scientific texts Ye.V. Krasil’nikova Training in scientific style of the speech in practice of teaching Russian as foreign P.A. Sumarokova François Just Marie Raynouard on the origin of the Romance languages L.S. Nagradova Concept «Will» through the prism of English linguoculture: contrastive-comparative analysis of the peculiarities of phraseological representation of the concept in plays by A.N. Ostrovsky and the conceptual content of the English translations of the plays A.A. Grigoryan, S.A. Manik American election media discourse: strategies, linguistic and rhetoric features (a case study of 2016 TV debates of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump) K.A. Kiyanova Forms of addresses in public speeches: a study of Angela Merkel’s speeches E.L. Shubina, A.I. Orlova Functional-semantic characteristics of prepositions «pro» and «je» in the German press L.A.Poputnikova, N.N. Zhuravleva Multiethnolects as a general tendency of Germanic languages’ development at the late 20th —the early 21st centuries N.V. Pinchukova New Europe media concept of the electronic mass media of the USA and Great Britain
Jural Sciences
I.G. Veselov, S.A. Komarov Technologies of legal monitoring in legislative activity of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia (Part 2) A.A. Gazayeva Features of the legal nature of self-defence as a constitutional and subjec-tive right and the mechanism of their influence on the practice of application A.B. Mikhalyova, S.D. Sodikov Historical aspects of child’s rights defence institution formation in the international right O.G. Stepanova Sudsidiarnosti principle in the implementation of the functions of the state in the globalisation S.P. Zhdanov Practice of paragraph 2 clause 1 article 22 of the Federal law # 2202-1 as of the 17th of January, 1992 «On Prosecutor General’s Office in the Russian Federation», as concerns appropriating specialists G.G. Bril’ Labour conflicts during the first Five-Year Plan in the USSR planned economics (1928—1933): prerequisites for creation and ways to resolve them T.S. Kovalenko Justice, its nature and the historical emergence through the prism of philosophical knowledge M.D. Gorbunov Law as a system of primary and secondary rules in the concept of Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart Ye.A. Tsyplyonkov Topical issues related to the concept of legal facts A.V. Farukshin, I.A. Grebnev Some problems of legal regulation of granting the right to amateur and sports hunting to individuals in fixed hunting areas
University Scientific Life
B.V. Petelin, G.V. Stepanov «Russian-German alternatives» N.V. Isayev A new point of view on genesis of social system of production in Germany O.I. Litvinnikova Acta of lecturing dedicated to Alexander Gromov as an impressive event in the Russian dialectology T.V. Ludanova «Find yourself» instrumental and vocal skills contest at Kostroma State University’s Institute of Culture and Arts K.Ye. Baldin Yuriy Yakobson who was a soldier, a scientist, an intellectual