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Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2016. Vol. 22. № 5.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma state university. 2016. Vol. 22. № 5. 294 p.
R.S. Berestnev Forest-steppe between the Khopyor and the Volga rivers in the late Sarmatian time M.B. Abdusalamov Role of the Kumyk feudal lords in safety of the trade way in Seaside Dagestan in the first half of the 18th century (on the materials of Kizlyar commandant’s archive) O.S. Mutiyeva Transformation of labour responsibilities of women under the influence of the Caucasian War (in terms of Dagestan) V.V. Mitrofanov «…We are leaving for Kostroma…»: some facts from Nikolay Shamonin’s life A.I. Maksimov The role of Russian reformer in the Kingdom of Poland in 1864 N.V. Milovidova Memories of the writer and reporter Vasily Nemirovich-Danchenko on the Russo-Turkish War of 1877—1878 as a historical source N.A. Zayats Activity of Voronezh governors during the World War I Ye.A. Buluchevskaya Social position of Russian emigrants in Italy (1918—1939) V.R. Veselov Teachers intellectuals and power in the 1920—1930. The experience of political trust Ye.F. Tomina The development of education in the Orenburg Province in the 1921—1925 A.F. Krivonozhenko Some problems of formation of the Soviet higher school: experience of the University of Petrograd A.A. Rybin Kostroma people participating in the Virgin Lands Campaign in Kazakhstan (1954—1964). According to the materials of periodical press D.I. Sazonov The problem of «staff shortage» in the Russian Orthodox Church and its resolution from 1958 to 1988 based on materials of Kostroma diocese A.A. Kiselyov Trade and public catering reform of in Karelia (1991—1993) S.N. Golikova Development of the German migratory legislation on the eve of the all-European migratory crisis (1998—2013) V.Ye. Fedotov Pre-revolutionary historiography on Kyiv Mohyla Academy A.A. Kadymov History of development of physical culture and sport in the 1920s—1940s in Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
M.R. Nenarokova The didactic text in the Early Medieval school: unity in diversity A.V. Golubkov Molière’s «The Affected Ladies»: on the typology of female characters Ye.V. Khaltrin-Khalturina Elements of detective fiction in Jane Austen’s parodies V.V. Korolyova Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann’s style features in the novel «The Petty Demon» by Fyodor Sologub Yu.Z. Mirkina Time Organisation of the novel «Homo Faber» by Max Frisch N.V. Volodina Leo Tolstoy’s novel «War and Peace» in the evaluation of Nikolay Akhsharumov (article two) I.Yu. Luchenetskaya-Burdina Novel genre peculiarities in Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s creative work of 1860s to 1870s N.L. Yermolayeva Depicting the Character in the Dramatic Histories by Alexey Pisemsky («Lieutenant Gladkov») and Alexander Ostrovsky’s («Tushino») I.A. Ovchinina «Minin» by Alexander Ostrovsky: at opinions’ intersection O.B. Kustova Images of nature in the mirror of similes and comparisons expressed in the voyage diary of Ivan Goncharov «Frigate “Pallada”» A.A. Fedotova Leo Tolstoy, Nikolay Leskov and «the Terrible Issue» of 1891 S.M. Mikhal’kova Vladimir Mayakovsky and Andrei Voznesensky: from «the Bridge Poet» to «the Airport Poet» V.A. Galanova Poetic narrative in the poem genre and in the poems by Fyodor Glinka
I.A. Kyurshunova The Turkic name in anthroponymicon of Karelia in the 15th—17th centuries L.A. Isayeva, S.G. Budanova, A.G. Ryabinina A plot-figurative secondary nature in a modern advertising text Ye.L. Freydina Prosodic variation as the basis of eloquence I.Yu. Pavlovskaya Experimental contrastive research of English and Chinese intonation T.M. Pchelina The problem of correlation of the notions «voice quality» and «timbre» in modern linguistic researches Ye.B. Volkova, I.A. Remennikova, Ye.A. Vecherinina, V.L. Korotun Comparative analysis of the structure and semantics of compound sentences with object clauses in Russian and Romano-Germanic languages (on the material of mathematical works) Ye.Yu. Ivkova Multicomponent complex sentences as system-forming factor in bilingual writing speech of characters in literary text (a case study of the epic novel «War and Peace» by Leo Tolstoy) A.R. Safina Communicants’ mental state and its influence on certainty of the statement T.G. Popova, O.V. Mingaleva, I.G. Anikeyeva Metaphor in intercultural communication T.G. Popova, Ye.V. Sachkova Metaphor in official documents style N.G. Oleynik, M.Ye. Dubova Linguistic picture of law and order powers and those who break it in modern English Ye.S. Zinov’yeva The formation of a stereotypical male image in glossy magazines (in the Russian and English languages) O.A. Titov Proper names’ semantics in Vladimir Nabokov’s story «Catastrophe» S.Ye. Lyubimova Onyms of the «Martian» language as means of creation of a fantastic world мира (in terms of the story «Aelita» by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy) Ye.V. Zimina Specifics of translating contemporary Polish poetry Z.A. Zubova About the paradigmatic relations in phraseology of Oryol patois
V.V. Gruzdev Problems and the prospects of realization of the rights of citizens for education in the unrecognized states of the southeast of Ukraine G.G. Bril’ Policy of the Soviet state with respect to the «Tsarist» technical intelligentsia in the 1930s (in terms of the Upper Volga region) S.V. Rozenko The system of measures of social protection of the RSFSR criminal code as of 1926 as an alternative to punishment Ye.A. Nesvit Administrative norm of right protection: issues of terminology Yu.V. Morozov Administrative banishment of foreign citizens and stateless persons from the territory of the Russian Federation: main issues and solutions in relation D.S. Hizhnyak Specifics of transnational investigation (forensic) satuation and its typical model S.I. Sayenko The role of the concept of the bill in the preparation of high-quality sources of Russian norms of administrative law A.G. Galkin, A.S. Kainov Cooperation of institutions of civil society and the Prosecutor’s office D.A. Zakharevich The development of the «Open government» concept in the Russian Federation T.V. Belova On the right of a private property to pension accruals: current state of the legislation and tendency of its development T.S. Kovalenko The historical way of origin, formation and development of the judiciary in Russia D.A. Babichev, N.A. Babicheva Criminological portrait of offender who commits intentional destruction or damage of property by arson N.V. Razbeyko Legal facts as an element method of legal regulation
Ye.V. Tsvetkova The XV International scientific conference «The Povolzhye Onomastics»