Elena I. Seifert
Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow State Linguistic University
Seifert E.I. Estates as Places of Power. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 298–302. Book Review: The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions: collective monograph; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, 672 p. (Russian Estate in the World Context; iss. 8). (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-3-298-302
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-3-298-302
УДК: 821.161.1.09‟20”
Publish date: 2024-09-02
Annotation: Book Review: The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions: collective monograph; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, 672 p. (Russian Estate in the World Context; issue 8) The object of the review is the eighth issue of the book series “Russian Estate in the World Context”, the collective monograph “Estate and Dacha in the Literature of the Soviet Era: Losses and Gains” (2024). Project manager about the estate, Doctor of Philology O.A. Bogdanova and other prominent scientists, using material from a large number of writers, explore the metamorphosis of the estate text in Soviet times. The author of the review notes the integrity of the concept, the unified style with the brightness of the idiostyles of individual scientists (the reviewer pays special attention to their points of view) and the overall high analytical level of the monograph. The estate text of the Soviet era, for the first time comprehensively studied in this publication, appears as different open facets – it is part of the “garden city” as a development of the locus of the noble estate, and a rhetorical cluster of meanings, and a place for a “journey around the house”, and a regional estate as a place concentration of cultural forces, and, most importantly, the degeneration in the post-estate world of the estate into a dacha, so poeticized by B.L. Pasternak. The reviewer draws attention to the fact that the collective monograph provides materials for compiling an anthology of excerpts from world estate texts.
Keywords: estate text, dacha locus, O.A. Bogdanova, Russian literature Soviet literature, emigrant literature
Literature list: Abramova V.I. Elementy “usadebnogo teksta” v romane I.S. Shmeleva “Puti nebesnye” [Elements of the “estate text” in the novel by I.S. Shmelev “The Heavenly Paths”]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia [The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 175-184. (In Russ). Agratin A.E. Problema identichnosti geroia v postusadebnom mire: “Zapovednik” S.D. Dovlatova [The problem of the hero's identity in the post-estate world: "The Reserve" by S.D. Dovlatov]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia [The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 204-216. (In Russ). Andreeva V.G. Motiv puteshestviia po usadebnomu domu v tetralogii B.K. Zaitseva “Puteshestvie Gleba” [The Motif of Traveling Around the Estate House in B.K. Zaitsev’s Tetralogy “Gleb’s Journey”]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 185-203. (In Russ). Bogdanova O.A. Sokrovennyi sosud: usad'by XX v. i mirovaia istoriia [The Secret Vessel: Estates of the 20th Century. and world history]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia [The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 20-38. (In Russ). Kovtun N.V. “Geterotopiia usad'by” v romane F.V. Gladkova “Tsement” [“Heterotopia of the estate” in F.V. Gladkov’s novel “Cement”]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia [The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 40-60. (In Russ). Lotman Iu.M. V shkole poeticheskogo slova: Pushkin. Lermontov. Gogol' [In the School of Poetic Words: Pushkin. Lermontov. Gogol]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 1988, 348 p. (In Russ). Markov A.V. Usadebno-dachnyi lokus v literature i iskusstvesotsialisticheskogo realizma [Estate and Dacha Locus in Literature and Art of Socialist Realism]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia [The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 74-87. (In Russ). Nekliudov S.Iu. K voprosu o sviazi prostranstvenno-vremennykh otnoshenii s siuzhetnoi strukturoi v russkoi byline [On the Connection between Spatio-Temporal Relations and the Plot Structure in the Russian Epic]. Tezisy dokladov II Letnei shkoly po vtorichnym modeliruiushchim sistemam [Abstracts of the Reports of the II Summer School on Secondary Modeling Systems]. Tartu, 1966, pp. 41-45. (In Russ). Shchukin V.G. Dacha kak potok poeticheskogo soznaniia. Stikhotvorenie B.L. Pasternaka “Vtoraia ballada” [Dacha as a Stream of Poetic Consciousness. B. L. Pasternak’s Poem “The Second Ballad”]. Usad'ba i dacha v literature sovetskoi epokhi: poteri i obreteniia [The estate and the dacha in the literature of the Soviet era: losses and acquisitions]: kollektivnaia monografiia; comp. O.A. Bogdanova; ed. by V.G. Andreeva, O.A. Bogdanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2024, pp. 514-524. (In Russ).
Author's info: Elena I. Seifert, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Russian State University for the Humanities, Leading Researcher, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia, elena_seifert@list.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8117-7091