Valeria G. Andreeva
A.M. Gorky institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Andreeva V.G. The estate topos of Yasnaya Polyana in the novel by B.Sh. Okudzhava “The Adventures of Shipov, or Strange Vaudeville”. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 94–100 (In Russ.). https://doi. org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-2-94-100
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2024-30-2-94-100
УДК: 821.161.1.09»20»
Publish date: 2024-05-24
Annotation: The article analytically comprehends the role of the estate topos of Yasnaya Polyana in the novel by Bulat Okudzhava “The estate topos of Yasnaya Polyana in the novel by Bulat Okudzhava “The Extraordinary Adventures of Secret Agent Shipov in Pursuit of Count Leo Tolstoy, in the year 1862”. It is noted that the characteristics of the composition, stylistics of the novel, and the key principles of the organisation of the literary text are unthinkable without assessing the role of the estate topos. In the artistic world of the work, there are two images of Yasnaya Polyana – fictional and real. The first appears immediately and exists until the final trip of the gendarmes with a search to Leo Tolstoy’s estate; the real image of Yasnaya Polyana is realised in the text through short excerpts from Leo Tolstoy’s letters to his family and friends. In relation to the novel, the work characterises the semantics of the estate supertext and describes its levels. The topos of Yasnaya Polyana promotes a harmonious combination of the genres of historical and adventure-psychological novels, allowing Bulat Okudzhava to build a whole system of oppositions of heroes, points of view, and attitudes to events.
Keywords: Bulat Okudzhava, Leo Tolstoy, estate topos, historical novel, historical basis, adventure-psychological line, game, semantics of estate supertext.
Funding and acknowledgments: this work was carried out at IWL RAS with financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 22-18-00051, https://rscf.ru/project/22-18-00051/
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Author's info: Valeria G. Andreeva, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Leading Research Fellow, A.M. Gorky institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, lanfra87@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4558-3153