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- Bogdanova E.A. Мeans of persuasion in journal discourse. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2024, vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 149–156. (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 81-26
- Publish date: 2024-02-05
- Annotation: The article is devoted to one of topical problems of modern linguistics – to the study of strategies and tactics of persuasion in various types of discourse. Modern scientists consider linguistic means of achieving the goal of influence. The purposefulness of speech actions is a topical phenomenon in political, advertising, tourism, journalism and other types of discourse. The most obvious potential of the persuasive impact is manifested in the journal discourse, which is an implicit model of social interaction. The choice of the French women’s magazine discourse as an object of research is due to the special form of the social role of the Western European woman. It is established that gender-marked speech portraits are manifested in women’s magazine discourse. Subject of research includes the title of the text of the French women’s magazine article from the point of view of the ways of linguistic implementation of the media discourse’s persusive function. The pragmaorientation of the title of the journal text, which has a special strategy for the implementation of the main goals and objectives of the journal discourse, is noted. The article considers the evolution of strategies and tactics of the persuasion of the French women’s journal discourse, due to the transformation of the role of women in the French linguistic and cultural community. The article concludes that the subject matter and linguistic organisation of the headlines of French women’s magazines of the present and before the 1960s partially coincide, but are of different potential for the realisation of persuasion.
- Keywords: persuasion, speech impact, journal discourse, title, French women’s magazine, gender linguistics.
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