Anna I. Trubkina
Southern Federal University
Emotive dominants of literary text: functional status
Trubkina A.I. Emotive dominants of literary discourse: functional status. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 133–138. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-4-133-138
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-4-133-138
УДК: 82.0
Publish date: 2023-11-26
Annotation: The article is devoted to the value-semantic space of a literary text in the implementation of emotive dominants that reflect the author’s intention. The purpose of the study is to determine the functional status of emotives of different levels of text affiliation. The priority research methods are the methods of textual analysis and philological interpretation, which allows us to consider a literary text, including outside the explication of the author’s assessment, as the realization of important value meanings of the character and the author, which have an emotional impact on the reader. During the analysis of the text of the story by A.P. Chekhov’s ‟The Black Monk” it was revealed that the functional status of emotive dominants is generally limited by the functions of the character’s emotional assessment and the pragmatic impact of emotive meanings on the reader. Textual emotiveness is capable of representing not only the momentary states of the characters associated with one or another episode of plot action. The author deliberately saturates the description of such situations with emotive markers, which correlate the emotional and spiritual experience of the reader and the character, which helps to activate the recipient’s memories and a new experience of the events described in the literary text. Implicity of emotive meanings in the story by A.P. Chekhov’s ‟The Black Monk” allows us to focus the reader’s attention on the value meanings of the text, which are only indirectly determined in their formation by external plot events. Analysis of the emotive dominants of the text of the story “The Black Monk” helps to identify not only the functional-semantic nature of the category of emotiveness, but also its plot- and text-forming role in a literary text, which opens up broad prospects in the study of textual emotiveness.
Keywords: emotiveness, literary text, emotive dominant, value-semantic space, emotive meaning, author’s intention, A.P. Chekhov
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Author's info: Anna I. Trubkina, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Theory of Language and Russian Language, Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, aitrubkina@sfedu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2375-1133