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- Maksimenko A.A., Krylova D.V., Deyneka O.S., Zyablikov A.V., Vakhrusheva A.V. The study of corruption phobia in the context of the dialogue between government and society: theoretical and methodological foundations. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № 3, pp. 257–266 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-3-257-266
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-3-257-266
- УДК: 343.3
- Publish date: 2023-10-01
- Annotation: The article is devoted to understanding the phenomenon of corruption phobia in the context of the relationship between the state and society. The authors note the social foundations and consequences, which are currently significantly influenced by digital reality. The purpose of this study is to describe the phenomenon of corruption phobia. In addition, the authors develop and present a new methodology for studying this phenomenon, which allows, among other things, to obtain information about the personal qualities and social phobias of an official, and also substantiate the relevance of its application both in the field of combating corruption (for the preventive fight against it) and in special historical and socio-political studies aimed at to identify factors that contribute to or, on the contrary, hinder an effective dialogue between the government and society. This publication is the first part of a dyadic (theoretical and practical) work aimed at a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of corruption phobia including for consideration in the development of legislative initiatives, and contains the theoretical basis and methodological basis for the second part – a future holistic research corruption phobia among Russian civil servants. The results of the survey of current civil servants conducted according to the methodology developed by the authors and described in this article, the analysis and interpretation of indicators will be published in the next article.
- Keywords: dialogue between government and society, social relations, digital space, corruption phobia, anti-corruption, psychology of corruption, questionnaire of corruption phobia, officials, managerial initiative.
- Funding and acknowledgments: This work was carried with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation project No. F-ZEW-2023-0007.
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