Timur A. Kovrov
Ivanovo State University
Vladimir S. Okolotin
Ivanovo State University
Okolotin V.S., Kovrov T.A. From the history of the economic justification and opening of the branch of the State Bank in the town of Kineshma in the early 20th century. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 21–28. (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-3-21-28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-3-21-28
УДК: 336.7:94
Publish date: 2023-06-28
Annotation: This article is devoted to the study of the economic justification and actions to opening a branch of the State Bank in the town of Kineshma in the early 20th century. This process was quite specific, since it was not just extended in time, which allows us to speak of its periodisation, but it also differed in the professional affiliation of the initiators of the opening. If at the first stage, these were representatives of the business community – at the second stage, these included the manager of Ivanovo-Voznesensk branch of the State Bank. About 10 years had passed between these events, Russia passed the stage of revolutionary upheavals, and its economy began to develop actively again. The regional policy of the State Bank had also changed. Increasing attention has been paid to its presence in developing economic regions through the opening of the branches of the Bank in them. Moreover, as a result of the development of the commercial banking system, competition in the lending market has intensified, which also justified the need to expand the sphere of influence on the part of the State Bank. In fact, these actions carried out the credit and banking registration of Ivanovo-Kineshma industrial region, which arose in the 1910s. This article has been prepared on the basis of documents from the Russian State Historical Archive, which have been introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. It makes it possible to strengthen the understanding of the role of the branches of the State Bank in the development of regional industry intended for researchers of its history during the imperial period.
Keywords: State bank, economic activity, manufacturers, industrialists, merchants, city and zemstvo local governments, lending, justification, Kineshma, Kostroma Province, commercial banks, competition, Ivanovo-Kineshma industrial region, opening, branch.
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Author's info: Timur A. Kovrov, postgraduate student, Institute of Humanitarian Sciences, Ivanovo State University, covrov.t@yandex.ru
Co-author's info: Vladimir S. Okolotin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Institute of Humanitarian Sciences, Ivanovo State University, Russia, okolotin.vladimir@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9009-7752