Bril-GG-Zaitsev-LN-vestnik-ksu-2023-3-ru.pdf |
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- Bril’ G.G., Zaitsev L.N. Legal views of Yuriy Novitskiy on juvenile courts. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 234–239. (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 342.56
- Publish date: 2023-08-30
- Annotation: The article is devoted to the analysis of the scientific approach to the issue of creating a juvenile court, developed by the famous Russian lawyer and public figure Yuriy Novitskiy. The basis of the research was the report of Yuriy Novitskiy, made by him in November 1911 in Kiev society ‟Patronage”, and also with which Yuriy Novitskiy spoke in January 1912 at Kiev Law Society in connection with the creation of a juvenile court in Kiev. The importance of turning to historical research in studying the problems of combating juvenile delinquency is stated. Yuriy Novitskiy’s scientific achievements of works were not fully appreciated by his contemporaries. This study attempts to eliminate this gap. His report is analysed from the point of view of historical analysis. Conclusions are drawn that the scientific developments of Yuriy Novitskiy on the creation of a juvenile court were a significant contribution to legal science and to the creation of such a court in Kiev. The practice of pre-revolutionary juvenile courts and the positive experience of their work will allow the modern state and society to ensure proper education of the younger generation.
- Keywords: Yuriy Novitskiy, juvenile court, juvenile delinquency
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