Kashin Dmitry Vitoldovich (Ferapont, Metropolitan of Kostroma and Nerekhta),
Kostroma Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church
Civil status of celebrations in honour of the icon of Our Lady of Saint Theodore in the 19th–20th centuries in Kostroma
Kashin D.V. (Metropolitan Ferapont). Civil status of celebrations in honour of the icon of Our Lady of Saint Theodore in the 19th–20th centuries in Kostroma. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 24–28. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-2-24-28
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2023-29-2-24-28
УДК: 281.2
Publish date: 2023-05-05
Annotation: The article deals with the aspect of veneration of the icon of Our Lady of Saint Theodore that did not attract the attention of researchers before – the establishment in the mid-19th century and at the early 20th century of non-attendant days (days off) in the city of Kostroma during the celebrations in honour of the Feodorovskaya Icon on March 14 and August 16 (according to the old style). Such a civil status of a church celebration was not unique to the Russian Empire of that time, but this happened only in a few regions, the list of which was published as a separate article until 1863 in the Charter on the Prevention and Suppression of Crimes, which was part of the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire (after 1863, the said list was replaced by a general indication of such celebrations). Fragments of firstly introduced into scientific discourse documents, related to the establishment of non-attendant days in Kostroma on March 14 (1852–1853) and August 16 (1899–1901) were published. It was noted that the relevant decisions were made at the highest level of state power of the Empire; however, in both cases, at the request of Kostroma residents – the proposal to establish a day off on March 14 was set forth by the performing position of Kostroma governor in the letter to the Minister of Internal Affairs, and Kostroma City Duma proposed to establish a day off in Kostroma on August 16.
Keywords: Kostroma, icon of Our Lady of Saint Theodore, non-attendant day, day off, church celebration, Charter on Prevention & Suppression of Crimes, government offices, Kostroma City Duma.
Literature list: Ferapont (Kashin), Metropolitan of Kostroma and Nerekhta. Mineinaia (miliutinskaia) redaktsiia «Skazaniia o iavlenii i chudesakh Feodorovskoi ikony Bozhiei Materi» (XVII vek) [The Menaion (Milyutin) edition of The Tale of the Appearance and Miracles of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God (XVII century)]. Bogoslovskii vestnik [Theological Bulletin], 2020, No. 3 (38), pp. 280-293. (In Russ.) Ostrovsky P.F., archpriest. Istoricheskoe opisanie kostromskogo Uspenskogo kafedral'nogo sobora, sostavlennoe togo sobora sviashchennikom P. Ostrovskim [Historical description of the Assumption Cathedral in Kostroma, compiled by the priest P. Ostrovsky]. Moscow, Printing House V. Got'e Publ., 1855, XV, 255 p. (In Russ.) Skazanie o iavlenii i chudesakh Feodorovskoi ikony Bogomateri [The Legend of the Appearance and Miracles of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God]. Vestnik arkheologii i istorii, izdavaemyi Imperatorskim Arkheologicheskim institutom [Bulletin of Archeology and History, published by the Imperial Archaeological Institute], 1909, vol. 19, pp. 187-260. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Kashin Dmitry Vitoldovich (Ferapont, Metropolitan of Kostroma and Nerekhta), Candidate of Theology, Head of Kostroma Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kostroma, Russia, ferapontk@ya.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2895-9523