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- Sound distortions of phraseological units in modern Russian speech
- Liliya M. Gareeva. Sound distortions of phraseological units in modern Russian speech. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № 2, pp. 150–153 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 811.161.1’373.72
- Publish date: 2023-04-07
- Annotation: The article deals with the sound distortions of phraseological units in modern Russian speech and the possible causes of their occurrence. Errors in the use of idioms are due to different reasons and are of a different nature. This is the result of ignorance of their meaning and composition as well as the lack of consideration of the expressive and stylistic properties of idioms, their scope and the appropriateness of their use in a speech context. As a result of the analysis of the card index materials, two predominant types of errors in the use of idioms were identified. Further, a detailed description of the process of phrasal phraseological units the mutation of which, occurs as a result of the wrong aural perception of phraseological units (mondegrееns) is given, the examples of the units which have undergone phonetic transformation in the modern Russian language are given. The term ‟mondegrееn”, its origin and application to the phraseological units are considered. This article touches upon the problem of the impact of the Internet on the mass spread of errors in the use of stable units already existing in the language. Examples of phraseological transformations in terms of form and content that are not erroneous are given. A conclusion about the necessity of preserving the integrity and reproducibility of phraseological units and their significance for the preservation of the lexical-phraseological fund of the Russian language is made.
- Keywords: phraseology, phraseology, sound distortion, mondegreen, transformation, causes of errors, types of errors.
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