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- Media as an institution of legal informing the population of Russia
- Medvedchuk A.A. Media as an institution of legal informing the population of Russia. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2023, vol. 29, № 1, pp. 201–205 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 34.096
- Publish date: 2023-03-09
- Annotation: This article is devoted to the current issue of legal informing the population through the media. At the present stage, information law is in its infancy and this explains such a variety of terms with the use of which, experts try to determine its content. The article analyses the concepts of various approaches to the definition of the concept of ‟information law”. The main subjects of legal regulation in information law, as well as information relations as a basis in information law, are determined. The connection of information law with the mass media is argued. Applying the main idea of defining the institutions of information law, based on the analysis, the author formulates the category of ‟the institution of legal informing the media”. Particular attention is paid to the concept of legal culture, as the degree of maturity, education of a person, its way of thinking and norms of behaviour in the legal sphere. The content of the legal culture of society is determined, which includes the legal awareness of a person; its beliefs and attitudes in the field of law enforcement; the nature and level of legal activity, as well as legal behaviour. From the foregoing, the author comes to the conclusion that it is advisable to determine the place of legal informing the media in the system of law as a legal institution in the field of information law.
- Keywords: media, legal information, problems, issues, information law, media legislation, media regulation
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