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- Gantsovskaiy N.S. Oryol and Kostroma researchers of Russian folkish word: Oryol-Kostroma ties. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 4, pp. 93–98 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 811.161.1’28
- Publish date: 2022-12-03
- Annotation: The new works of dialectologists from Turgenev Oryol State University – issues of the large-scale alphabetical Dictionary of Oryol patois and small thematic vocabularies, monographs, scientific articles etc – are analysed in the article. The topic of the long-standing scientific and cultural ties between Kostroma and Oryol dialectologists, in the form of presentations at conferences held at Kostroma State University in recent years, is addressed as well. The next 2 volumes of the “Dictionary of Oryol patoisˮ – vol. 16, letters У to Ф, and vol. 17, letters Х to Ц [Dictionaries of Oryol patois-16 and -17] are in comparative perspective with the similar dictionary collections in this and other Russian regions in number of entries, composition and source of words, in peculiarities of lexical semantisation. The contribution of their compilers, the scientific editor of the Dictionary's editions, as well as their collaborators and colleagues in the study of Oryol folkish patois is well defined; their reliance on the works of the preceding generations of Oryol linguists is addressed as well. The work of those representatives of Oryol dialectological school under the guidance of Tat'yana Vasil'yevna Bakhvalova, who strengthened the scientific ties, both thematic and subject, with Kostroma dialectologists through the participation in joint research projects and scientific meetings, mainly connected with the systematic holding the readings in memory of Aleksandr Gromov at Kostroma State University, is noted. The conclusion about the fruitfulness of the forms of cooperation between Oryol and Kostroma dialectologists is made.
- Keywords: Oryol dialectological school, Kostroma dialectologists, Dictionary of Oryol patois, Tat'yana Bakhvalova, Aleksandr Gromov.
- Literature list: Bakhvalova T.V. Leksika tkachestva orlovskikh govorov: nazvaniia artefaktov s numeral'noi kornevoi morfemoi [Vocabulary of weaving Oryol dialects: names of artifacts with a numbered root morpheme]. Gromovskie chteniia. Vyp. 3. Zhivoe narodnoe slovo i kostromskoi krai: sb. materialov i issled. mezhdunar. nauch. konf.; Kostroma, 7–9 noiabria 2016 g. [Gromov Readings. Issue 3. Living folk word and the Kostroma region: Sat. materials and research. intl. scientific conf.; Kostroma, November 7–9, 2016]. Kostroma, Kostroma State University Publ., 2016, pp. 43–50. (In Russ.) Bakhvalova T.V. Leksika valial'nogo dela v orlovskikh govorakh [Vocabulary of felting in the Oryol dialects]. Vtorye gromovskie chteniia. Russkie narodnye govory: proshloe i nastoiashchee: sb. materialov i issled. vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf.; Kostroma, 17–18 okt. 2014 g. [Second Gromov Readings. Russian folk dialects: past and present: Sat. materials and research all-Russian scientific-practical. conf.; Kostroma, 17–18 Oct. 2014]. Kostroma, Kostroma State University Publ., 2015, pp. 26–33. (In Russ.) Bakhvalova T.V. Leksika zhernovogo promysla v narodnykh govorakh [Vocabulary of millstone craft in folk dialects]. Russkoe slovo i kostromskoi krai: sb. statei [Russian word and the Kostroma region: collection of articles], ed. by N.S. Gantsovskaia, O.N. Krylova. St. Petersburg, Nestor-istoriia Publ., 2013, pp. 287–293. (In Russ.) Bakhvalova T.V. Kharakteristika intellektual'nykh sposobnostei cheloveka leksicheskimi i frazeologicheskimi sredstvami (na materiale orlovskikh govorov) [Characterization of a person's intellectual abilities by lexical and phraseological means (on the material of Oryol dialects)]. Orel, Gorizont Publ., 2022, 180 p. (In Russ.) Bakhvalova T.V., Popova A.R. Slovar' zabytykh i redkikh slov iz romana «Dvorianskoe gnezdo» I.S. Turgeneva [Dictionary of forgotten and rare words from the novel “The Noble Nestˮ by I.S. Turgenev]. Orel, OSU named after I.S. Turgenev Publ., 2019, 81 p. (In Russ.) Borovaia E.I. Slovar' leksiki vyshivaniia orlovskikh govorov [Dictionary of embroidery vocabulary of Oryol dialects], ed. by T.V. Bakhvalova. Orel, OSU Publ., 2012, 60 p. (In Russ.) Gantsovskaia N.S. Slovar' govorov Kostromskogo Zavolzh'ia: mezhdurech'e Kostromy i Unzhi [Dictionary of dialects of the Kostroma Trans-Volga region: the interfluve of Kostroma and Unzha]. Kostroma, Kostroma State University Publ., Moscow, Knizhnyi klub Knigovek Publ., 2015, 512 p. (In Russ.) Iaroslavskii oblastnoi slovar': uchebnoe posobie. Vyp. 10 [Yaroslavl regional dictionary: textbook. Issue 10]. Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky Publ., 1991, 108 p. (In Russ.) Khaliukov A.V. Slovar' leksiki orlovskikh kozhevnikov [Vocabulary of Oryol tanner], ed. by T.V. Bakhvalova. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2006, 96 p. (In Russ.) Khaliukov Iu.V. Slovar' leksiki orlovskikh rybakov [Vocabulary of the Oryol fishermen], ed. by T.V. Bakhvalova. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2008, 70 p. (In Russ.) Kostromicheva M.V. Slovar' svadebnoi leksiki Orlovshchiny [Dictionary of wedding vocabulary Oryol], ed. by Popov. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 1998, 218 p. (In Russ.) Kotkov S.I. Izbrannye stat'i po lingvisticheskomu istochnikovedeniiu i istorii russkogo iazyka [Selected articles on linguistic source studies and the history of the Russian language]. Voronezh, Nauka-Iunipress Publ., 2021, 471 p. (In Russ.) Makusheva O.A. Slovar' meteorologicheskoi leksiki orlovskikh govorov [Dictionary of Meteorological Vocabulary of the Oryol Dialects], ed. by R.N. Popov. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 1997, 105 p. (In Russ.) Narodnye govory v rabotakh orlovskikh dialektologov [Folk dialects in the works of Oryol dialectologists], ed. by T.V. Bakhvalova. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2010, 60 p. (In Russ.) Nevrova T.I. Regional'nyi slovar' lichno-individual'nykh prozvishch Verkhovskogo raiona Orlovskoi oblasti [Regional dictionary of personal-individual nicknames of the Verkhovsky district of the Oryol region], ed. by T.V. Bakhvalova. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2005, 96 p. (In Russ.) Popova A.R. Slovar' odnogo slova [One word dictionary]. Orel, Operativnaia poligrafiia Publ., 2009, 356 p. (In Russ.) Slovar' orlovskikh govorov. Vyp. 16 [Dictionary of Oryol dialects. Issue 16]. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2016, 156 p. (In Russ.) Slovar' orlovskikh govorov. Vyp. 17 [Dictionary of Oryol dialects. Issue 17]. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2016, 187 p. (In Russ.) Tatarkin V.E. Antroponimy orlovskogo kraia XVI–XVII vv. [Anthroponyms of the Oryol region of the 16th–17th centuries], ed. by T.V. Bakhvalova. Orel, Orel State University Publ., 2005, 122 p. (In Russ.) Vlasova L.A. Tematicheskii slovar' orlovskikh govorov (slova na bukvu Kh) [Thematic dictionary of Oryol dialects (words starting with the letter “X” [Kh])]. Orel, Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev Publ., 2016, 157 p. (In Russ.)