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- Dormidontova O.A., Zavialova G.N. The functional-synonymic peculiarity of French literary onyms. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 4, pp. 99–104 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 801.7
- Publish date: 2022-12-08
- Annotation: The literary onym is one of the main structural elements of the onomastic space of a literary text. The problem of studying this literary category is to identify their main features, features of functioning in the structure of a literary text, as well as to study the role of contextual synonymy in creating images of literary characters. The article analyzes the views of researchers on the problems of literary onomastics, clarifies the terminological apparatus. The article analyses the main distinguishing features of onyms, such as their secondary nature, as well as semantic load. Literary onyms are characterized by a number of functions in a work of fiction. They can perform nominative, ideological, characterizing, aesthetic, symbolic functions. The study revealed that the main functions of proper names in the analyzed works are recognized as nominative and characterizing, and in some cases symbolic. Creating a literary image of a character, the author uses a variety of linguistic means, in particular contextual synonymy based on metaphorical transfer. The conclusion confirms the idea that literary onyms are an additional mechanism in a work of fiction, which is designed to create a more capacious, versatile image of literary characters
- Keywords: onomastic space, literary anthroponym, onyms, poetonym, signs of onyms, functional characteristics of onyms, linguistic means, contextual synonymy.
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