Sekovanov-VS-vestnik-2022-3.pdf |
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- Valeriy S. Sekovanov. Oleg Georgiyevich Smolyanov. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 3, pp. 252–262 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 51(091)
- Publish date: 2022-10-02
- Annotation: The article is dedicated to the outstanding mathematician and pedagogue, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Oleg Georgiyevich Smolyanov (9 Feb. 1938 – 16 Dec. 2021), whose full life path and multifaceted activities were aimed at science and education development in the USSR and Russia. Oleg Georgiyevich, being a talented pedagogue and organiser, was a devotee of the scientific school in the field of the theory of topological vector spaces, infinite-dimensional analysis, beneficial for the formation of a huge number of scientists and teachers of higher educational institutions.
- Keywords: Oleg Georgiyevich Smolyanov; department of function theory & functional analysis of Moscow State University’s Faculty of Mechanics & Mathematics; topological vector spaces theories; theory of differentiation in infinite-dimensional space; infinite-dimensional analysis.
- Literature list: Gorin E.A. Fragmenty nauchnoj biografii D.A. Rajkova: garmonicheskij analiz [Fragments of the scientific biography of D.A. Raikov: harmonic analysis]. Uspekhi matematicheskih nauk [Advances in Mathematical Sciences], 2006, vol. 61, is. 5 (371), pp. 157–172. Kolmogorov: Yubilejnoe izdanie: v 3 kn. Kn. 3: Zvukov serdca tihoe ekho : Iz dnevnikov [Kolmogorov: Anniversary edition: in 3 books. Book 3: Sounds of the heart quiet echo: From the diaries]. Ed. by A.N. Shiryaev. Moskow, FIZMATLIT Publ., 2003, 230 p. Robertson A.P., Robertson V.J. Topologicheskie vektornye prostranstva [Topological vector spaces]. Translation from English D.F. Borisova; Ed. by D.A. Rajkov. Moskow, Mir Publ., 1967, 257 p.