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- Polugodin A.D. The problem of studying administrative collaborationism during the Nazi occupation in modern Russian historiography. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 3, pp. 63–75. https//doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2022-28-3-63-75
- DOI: https//doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2022-28-3-63-75
- УДК: 94(470)”1941/1945”
- Publish date: 2022-09-05
- Annotation: In historical science the concept of “collaborationismˮ is defined as the cooperation with the enemy of a certain part of the population in the interests of the enemy state and to the detriment of one’s homeland. During the Soviet period this phenomenon was practically not considered for political and ideological reasons. Significant shifts began to occur with the collapse of the Soviet state and the subsequent democratisation of the political and spiritual system. In the 1990’s – the early 2000s, the military, ideological and political variant of collaboration became extremely popular among the researchers, however the administrative form of collaboration, especially on the regional level, still has dramatically poor analysis. The author of the article, analysing a significant layer of research works, tries to identify controversial and scientifically understudied directions in the consideration of administrative collaborationism. The researcher is not trying to limit himself to a superficial review of the general historiography; he rather seeks to identify the missing fragments of the study of such a complex phenomenon. The article is based on the formulation of specific issues, which at the moment are either suppressed or poorly studied.
- Keywords: collaborationism, administrative collaborationism, historiography, Nazi occupation, village headmen, foremen, burgomasters, local government.
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