Bolshakova-NV-Neganova-GD-vestnik-2022-3.pdf |
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- Bolshakova N.V., Neganova G.D. «Gromov readings» in the context of scientific research and professional assessments. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 3, pp. 247–251. (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 81’282.2
- Publish date: 2022-10-05
- Annotation: The article is devoted to the review of the IV Green Readings held at Kostroma State University and the analysis of the actual problems of modern regional lexicography considered during the work of this scientific event. The article assesses the ascetic activity of A.V. Gromov, a well-known connoisseur of Kostroma folk culture and language, dialectologist and lexicographer, teacher and ethnographer. The analysis of the ideas and scientific heritage of A.V. Gromov in the context of the problems of modern dialectography reveals the vitality and modern nature of the works of the local historian- scientist. All this justifies the need to republish the «Linen Dictionary», as well as the publication of unpublished works by A.V. Gromov. The article discusses the key issues of regional lexicology and lexicography, to which scientific reports were devoted: typological diversity of dictionaries; principles, methods and techniques of creation, sources of regional dictionaries; regional dictionaries as a source of ethnocultural information. A separate section of the article is devoted to the feedback of the participants of the Gromov Readings of different years (2012, 2014, 2016, 2022) about these conferences as a significant scientific event. The high scientific level and creative atmosphere characteristic of the Gromov readings are emphasized. The merits of N.S. Gantsovskaya, the organizer and inspirer of the entire series of these scientific events, are particularly noted.
- Keywords: IV Gromov readings, A.V. Gromov, «Linen Dictionary», dialect lexicography
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