Stadnik Yulia
Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences
Etiology of diseases and human behaviour in folk ideas of the Semeiskie of Buryatia
Stadnik Yu.A. Etiology of diseases and human behaviour in folkish ideas of the Semeiskie of Buryatia. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 55-62 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2022-28-1-55-62
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2022-28-1-55-62
УДК: 39(571.54)
Publish date: 2022-02-09
Annotation: The article presents the results of the ethnological study of the diversity of the Semeiskie folk ideas about the cause-and-effect relations between human behaviour and occurrence of certain diseases that can be cured by magic. The study was carried out on the basis of ethnographic facts available in the scientific literature and the author's personal archive. In the process of description of the ties of interest, it became clear that there is a clear link between the cause of a disease and human behavior in the Semeiskie ideas. The behaviour of the patient itself and other person, ordinary people and those having supernatural powers can be the etiology of diseases. In the ethnoculture of the Old Believers of Buryatia, disease-causing behaviour can be both everyday (routine) and ritual. The etiology with everyday behaviour reflects the popular idea of punishment for violation of a prohibition. Etiology with ritual behaviour refers to harmful magic. Further, the folk knowledge about behavioural (anthropic) etiology was used as a basis of classification for distribution of diseases into groups. Comparison of the obtained grouping with others showed a lot of coincidences and made it possible to conclude that in the Semeiskie ethnoculture, disease-causing ritual behaviour is more dangerous to health than disease-causing everyday behaviour. In general, the results of this study convince of the possibility of using the folk ideas about the etiology of diseases as a differentiating feature for arrangement of folk medical facts in ethnology. The description of this kind of ideas revealed the coincidence of the Semeiskie tradition with the well-known worldview universals.
Keywords: folk medicine, behaviour, disease, Russians, etiology, family, traditional culture, ethnography, magic, ritual.
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Author's info: Stadnik Yulia, Saint-Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, semeyskaya@bk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5950-2596