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- Vladimir Konstantinovich Semiganovskiy – the last head of Kostroma provincial gendarmerie department (based on materials from the archives of Kostroma Region)
- Bril G.G., Zaitsev L.N. Vladimir Konstantinovich Semiganovskiy – the last head of Kostroma provincial gendarmerie department (based on materials from the archives of Kostroma Region). Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 32-39 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 94(470.317)”19”
- Publish date: 2022-02-09
- Annotation: The article, based on extensive archival and historical material, reveals the main stages of the life path, formation and professional development of Colonel Vladimir Semiganovskiy. Topicality of the topic is due to the absence of his scientific biography in the historiography, as well as the expansion of the source base of research on the activities of the political police of the Russian Empire in the region. The authors have studied the main life and professional paths of Vladimir Semiganovskiy. New facts about his activities as the head of Kostroma provincial gendarmerie department were introduced into scientific circulation, which made it possible to recreate the portrait of the last gendarme of Kostroma Province. His role and place in fighting revolutionary movement in the province is noted, including his effective agency work between June 1913 and March 1917. The conclusion about his professionalism and about Vladimir Semiganovskiy's personal contribution to the maintenance of stable political situation in the region is made.
- Keywords: political police, Kostroma provincial gendarmerie department, political search, Vladimir Semiganovskiy
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