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- Civilians in demining territories in the West of the Russian Soviet Republic: legal regulation and administrative practices of regional authorities (1942–1946)
- Kometchikov I.V. Civilians in demining territories in the West of the Russian Soviet Republic: legal regulation and administrative practices of regional authorities (1942–1946). Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 4, pp. 76-82 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-4-76-82
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-4-76-82
- УДК: 94(470)”1942/1946”
- Publish date: 2021-11-15
- Annotation: The article on the basis of archival sources, most of them introduced into scientific turnover for the first time, examines the legal regulation and realities of involvement of civilian population in demining of territories in the West of the Russian Soviet Republic in 1942–1946. Demining was the most important measure of the authorities, a condition for the establishment of peaceful life, the revival of the economy, the implementation of state plans. The scarcity of material and human resources available to the state led to the mobilisation of civilians for this task, especially – young people of pre-conscription age. Despite the voluntary participation in demining, regional and district authorities widely used their administrative resources both in the recruitment of demining teams through the Osoviakhim grassroots structures and military enlistment offices, and to facilitate their work. Faced with the inability of district teams of the Society for the Assistance of Defence, Aircraft and Chemical Construction (Osoaviakhim) to complete demining alone, the leadership of the western regions of the Russian Soviet Republic insisted that the most difficult areas be cleared by sapper units of the Red Army. By the end of 1946, the joint work of Osoaviakhim deminers and military sappers had completed the clearance of the territories of the West of the Russian Soviet Republic.
- Keywords: solid demining, Russian Soviet Republic West, USSR Osoaviakhim, deminers, Communist Party regional committee, Communist Party district committee, administrative resource
- Funding and acknowledgments: This article was prepared with financial support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. Project No. 20-09-00031 “Regional Officialdom in the Process of Capitalist Transformation of the Soviet State (late 1920s–1960s)”
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