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- The prosecutor's judicial protection of public interests in the use and protection of specially protected natural territories as a complex area of prosecutorial activity
- Berdinskikh S.V. The prosecutor's judicial protection of public interests in the use and protection of specially protected natural territories as a complex area of prosecutorial activity. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 4, pp. 192-197 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 347.963
- Publish date: 2021-11-12
- Annotation: The article deals with the topical issue of highlighting the complex direction of prosecutorial activity – the protection by the prosecutor in court of public interest in the use and protection of specially protected natural territories based on the scope of legal relations and the purpose of the activity. Taking into account the available theoretical approaches, the author proves that three criteria are basis for the allocation: 1) the complex nature of the legal regulation of the sphere of use and protection of specially protected natural territories; 2) the need to adopt a set of means of prosecutorial activity for violations of the regime of use and protection of specially protected natural territories in court; 3) the unity of the factual circumstances to be established in criminal, civil, arbitration, administrative cases, cases of administrative offences on the facts of violation of the regime of use and protection of specially protected natural territories, which in turn allows, firstly, the collected evidence to be used in criminal, civil, arbitration, administrative proceedings, in proceedings on administrative offences (respectively, unified approaches to collecting and fixing evidentiary information are required), secondly, the prejudice of judicial decisions. The allocation of an integrated direction makes it possible to improve the quality of the organisation and implementation of judicial protection of public interest in the use and protection of specially protected natural territories.
- Keywords: prosecutor's activity, judicial protection, public interest, specially protected natural territories, activity approach
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