Galina D. Neganova
Kostroma State University
Veranika N. Kurcova
Yakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Results of the international project on publishing the works of Gertsel’ Shklyar
Neganova G.D., Kurcova V.N. Results of the international project on publishing the works of Gertsel’ Shklyar. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 3, pp. 264–268 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-3-264-268
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-3-264-268
УДК: 811.16
Publish date: 2021-08-18
Annotation: At late December 2017, in pursuance of the previously concluded international agreement on cooperation between Kostroma State University and the Centre for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, a three-year work plan was approved. It included a project aimed at systematisation, scientific interpretation and preparation for publication of the heritage of Gertsel Shklyar, a talented linguist who, in the mid-20th century, contributed a lot to Belarusian linguistics, Russian linguistics, hebraistics. In the course of the project, previously unknown facts of Gertsel’ Shklyar’s biography, summary of the results of his scientific activities during his work at the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (the 1930s) and Kostroma Pedagogic Institute (the 1940s–60s) were disclosed. The linguistic scientist worked actively in the field of Belarusian studies – he participated in the compilation of the Belarusian-Russian and Russian-Belarusian dictionaries, studied Polonisms in the Belarusian language, worked on amending the existing Belarusian-language spelling, on the creation of university textbooks on the modern Belarusian language. Together with Sof’ya Rokhkind, he created the USSR’s first “Yiddish-Russian Dictionary (Jewish-Russian Dictionary)ˮ. Research in the field of the Russian language was mainly dialectological. Gertsel’ Shklyar laid the foundations for the card index of Kostroma regional dictionary. The article examines the results of the international project, highlights the events dedicated to the presentation of the book of selected works by Gertsel’ Shklyar.
Keywords: Kostroma State University, Yakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics, Gertsel’ Shklyar, Presentation of book “Gertsel’ Shklyar. Selected works. Language heritage”, Slavic linguistics, Russian language, Belarusian language.
Literature list: Ganczovskaya N.S., Smorchkov V.K. U istokov sistematicheskogo izucheniya kostromskix govorov: Gercel` Zalmanovich Shklyar [At the origins of the systematic study of Kostroma dialects: Herzel Zalmanovich Shklyar]. Russkie narodny`e govory`: proshloe i nastoyashhee: materialy` vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. «Vtory`e Gromovskie chteniya» [International Scientific Conference “Second Gromov Readings”], Kostroma, 17–18 okt. 2014. Kostroma, Kostroma State University Publ., 2015, pp. 122–130. (In Russ.) Zaprudskі S.M., Kulesh G.І. Gіstoryja belaruskaga movaznaŭstva (1918–1941) [History of Belarusian Linguistics (1918–1941)]: dapamozhnіk. Mіnsk, Belarusian State University Publ., 2008, 259 p. URL: https://elib.bsu.by/ldap-login (access date: 30.05.2021). (In Belarus.) Kurczova V.M. G.Z. Shklyar: praz lyuste`rka arxіŭny`x dakumentaŭ Nacyyanal`naj akade`mіі navuk Belarusі [G.Z. Shklyar: through the mirror of archival documents of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus]. Shklyar G.Z. Vy`brany`ja pracy. Moŭnaya spadchy`na [Selected works. Language heritage], comp. V.M. Kurczova; ed. by V.M. Kurczova, N.S. Ganczoŭskaya. Mіnsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2020, pp. 12–33. (In Belarus.) Kurczova V.M. Prezentaciya knigi “Shklyar G.Z. Vy`brany`ja pracy. Moŭnaya spadchy`na” [Presentation of the book “Shklyar G.Z. Selected works. Language heritage”]. URL: https://www.iml.basnet.by/naviny/01-03-2021-prezientacyja-knihi-%C2%ABh-z-skliar-vybranyja-pracy-mounaja-spadcyna%C2%BB (access date: 10.06.2021). (In Belarus.) Rossijskaya evrejskaya e`nciklopediya [Russian Jewish Encyclopedia]. URL: http://rujen.ru/index.php (access date: 30.05.2021). (In Russ.) Roxkind S., Shklyar G. Evrejsko-russkij slovar` [Hebrew-Russian Dictionary]. Minsk, Akademiya nauk BSSR Publ., 1940 (1941), 519, [1] p. (In Yiddish, in Russ.) Shklyar G.Z. Vy`brany`ja pracy. Moŭnaya spadchy`na [Selected works. Language heritage], comp.: V.M. Kurczova; ed. by: V.M. Kurczova, N.S. Ganczoŭskaya. Mіnsk, Belaruskaya navuka Publ., 2020, 259 p. (In Belarus., in Russ.)
Author's info: Galina D. Neganova, Candidate of Cultural Studies, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, g_neganova@ksu.edu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3247-1440
Co-author's info: Veranika N. Kurcova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Yakub Kolas Institute of Linguistics of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, vkurcova@gmail.com