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- Sharhorod as a Jewish shtetl at the late 16th – early 20th centuries: particular qualities and typical features of the socio-cultural appearance
- Rozina O., Volkova T. Sharhorod as a Jewish shtetl at the late 16th – early 20th centuries: particular qualities and typical features of the socio-cultural appearance. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 2, pp. 60-69 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 39(=411.16)''16/20''
- Publish date: 2021-05-12
- Annotation: Regional historical and cultural studies represent the new areas of regional studies associated with the actualisation of the problems of regional identity in the context of an identification crisis, both at the level of the individual and at the level of the whole ethnic group. The worldview split of society as a product of the pluralism of the postmodern culture of the early 20th century led to the fragmentation of historical knowledge and the mosaic nature of historical structures, the devaluation of the value of a single historical past in the post-Soviet space. In the logic of historical postmodernism the substitution of historical facts becomes possible, which together with the blurring of socio-spatial identity, make the basis for myth-making and distortions of the processes that actually took place in the history and culture of peoples. In the context of the modern information warfare, various anti-Russian historical myths, including the “prison of the nations”, acquire special topicality. The article examines the history of the Jewish ethnos – one of the traditional ethnic groups that used to live in the territory of the Russian Empire at the late 16th – the early 20th centuries in the Ukraine. The object of regional research is Sharhorod, one of the towns of Eastern Podolia (now Vinnytsia Region), a typical Jewish shtetl with characteristic features of socio-cultural appearance. The town arose in 1585 in the lands of the Polish magnate Jan Sariusz Zamoyski, where the geopolitical interests of the Russian and Ottoman empires, Poland, Lithuania and Principality of Moldavia collided.
- Keywords: regional studies, Jewish shtetl, Jews, Jewish ethnos, synagogue, Sharhorod, Podolia, Polish-Lithuanian Union, Russian Empire.
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