Elena M. Petrovicheva
The Stoletovs Vladimir State University
Diana A. Bolshakova
The Stoletovs Vladimir State University
Zemstvo insurance in Vladimir and Ryazan provinces
Petrovicheva E.M., Bolshakova D.A. Zemstvo insurance in Vladimir and Ryazan provinces. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 2, pp. 49-53 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-2-49-53
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-2-49-53
УДК: 368
Publish date: 2021-05-12
Annotation: This article discusses one of the key types of land insurance – fire insurance of buildings and movable property in the territory of Vladimir and Ryazan provinces. The authors trace the formation of Zemstvo insurance in the provinces, describe the main directions of Zemstvo fire insurance, insurance standards. The role of Zemstvos in ensuring fire safety of settlements is revealed. The article concludes that since 1867, in the territory of Ryazan and Vladimir provinces, the rural population's interest in insurance protection increased sufficiently, and in the early 20th century, Zemstvo fire insurance reached its peak, and the activities of Zemstvos in the field of insurance in Vladimir and Ryazan provinces became a factor of not only economic, but also cultural growth, contributing to the prevention of fires, improvement and bettering of living conditions of the population.
Keywords: Zemstvo, voluntary and compulsory fire insurance, insurance rates, fire brigades, population living conditions.
Literature list: Veselovskij B.B. Istoriya zemstva za sorok let: v 4 t. [The history of the zemstvo for forty years: in 4 vols.]. St. Petersburg, Publ. O.N. Popovoj, 1909, vol. 2, 696 p. (In Russ.) Doklad № 76 Ryazanskoj Gubernskoj zemskoj upravy Ryazanskomu Gubernskomu zemskomu sobraniyu 50-go sozyva o polozhenii zemskogo strahovaniya za 1914 god s prilozheniem smet prihoda i raskhoda na 1915 god [Report No. 76 of the Ryazan Provincial Zemstvo Council to the Ryazan Provincial Zemstvo Assembly of the 50th convocation on the state of the Zemstvo insurance for 1914 with the attached income and expense estimates for 1915]. Ryazan, Publ. N.V. Lyubomudrova, 1914, 115 p. (In Russ.) Doklad Vladimirskoj gubernskoj zemskoj upravy XLVIII ocherednomu gubernskomu zemskomu sobraniyu. Otchet o pozharnyh meropriyatiyah za 1913 god [Report of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo council XLVIII to the next provincial zemstvo assembly. Firefighting Report 1913]. Vladimir, Publ. gubernskoj zemskoj upravy, 1915, 22 p. (In Russ.) Doklad Vladimirskoj gubernskoj zemskoj upravy ocherednomu gubernskomu zemskomu sobraniyu 1907 goda, s predostavleniem otcheta strahovogo inspektora i ego deyatel'nosti [Report of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo council to the next provincial zemstvo assembly in 1907, with the provision of a report of the insurance inspector and his activities]. Vladimir, Publ. gubernskoj zemskoj upravy, 1908, 29 p. (In Russ.) Doklad Vladimirskoj gubernskoj zemskoj upravy XLIX gubernskomu zemskomu sobraniyu sessii 1914 goda po strahovomu otdeleniyu.O hode vzaimnogo zemskogo strahovaniya stroenij i dvizhimosti v 1913 [Report of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo council to the XLIX provincial zemstvo meeting of the 1914 session on the insurance department. On the course of mutual zemstvo insurance of buildings and movable property in 1913].Vladimir, Publ. gubernskoj zemskoj upravy, 1915, 111 p. (In Russ.) Ermolov A.S. Sovremennaya pozharnaya epidemiya v Rossii [Modern fire epidemic in Russia]. St. Petersburg, Publ. I. Flejtmana, 1910, 211 p. (In Russ.) Otchety druzhin za 1913 god s kratkimi svedeniyami o pozharnosti selenij v rajonah vyezdov druzhin za pyatiletie do otkrytii druzhin i za pyatiletie po otkrytii dejstvij druzhin [Reports of the squads for 1913 with brief information on the fire rate of villages in the areas where the squads leave for the five years before the opening of the squads and for the five years after the opening of the actions of the squads]. Ryazan, Publ. N.V. Lyubomudrova, 1914, 130 p. (In Russ.) Povalishin A.D. Ryazanskoe zemstvo v ego proshlom i nastoyashchem: obozrenie dvadcatipyatiletnej deyatel'nosti zemstva Ryazanskoj gubernii [Ryazan zemstvo in its past and present: an overview of the twenty-five-year activity of the zemstvo of the Ryazan province]. Ryazan, Publ. naslednikov Z.P. Poznyakovoj, 1889, 209 p. (In Russ.) Sbornik postanovlenij Vladimirskogo gubernskogo zemskogo sobraniya. 1866-1895 gg. [Collection of decrees of the Vladimir provincial zemstvo assembly. 1866-1895]. Vladimir, Publ. gubernskoj zemskoj upravy, 1908. T. IX: Ob organizacii strahovogo dela, protivopozharnyh mer, strahovaniya skota, posevov i drugie vidov strahovaniya [Vol. IX: On the organization of insurance business, fire prevention measures, insurance of livestock, crops and other types of insurance], 254 p. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Elena M. Petrovicheva, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the Stoletovs Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia, helenp94@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2740-0616
Co-author's info: Diana A. Bolshakova, the Stoletovs Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russia, dianka.bolshakova.1993@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0280-9669