Andrey S. Tyurin
Nizhny Novgorod institute of management the Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and public administration
Memories of Vasiliy Gloriantov as a historical source when studying the life of provincial officiality of the mid-19th century
Tyurin A.S. Memories of Vasiliy Gloriantov as a historical source when studying the life of provincial officiality of the mid-19th century. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 1, pp. 26-31 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-26-31
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-26-31
УДК: 930.1(091)
Publish date: 2021-02-12
Annotation: The memoirs of Vasiliy Gloriantov, which saw the light at the early 20th century and devoted to the internal life of Nizhny Novgorod Chamber of State Property, are the only published memoirs written by a former employee of Nizhny Novgorod Chamber of State Property. Memoir literature is a source of an additional character, deepening the description of certain facts and events. The issue of the reliability of the events contained in these recollections has not been previously considered. In the course of studying memoirs and comparing them with published documents and previously unpublished archival materials, a number of persons were identified whose names were hidden by Vasiliy Gloriantov, and certain inaccuracies in the dating of events were revealed. Information on drunkenness and official misconduct by chamber employees, contained in memoirs, is confirmed in preserved archival materials. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the memories of Vasiliy Gloriantov have significant value as a historical source, illuminating the daily life of Nizhny Novgorod Chamber of State Property from the point of view of one of its direct participants.
Keywords: Nizhny Novgorod Chamber of State Property, employees, forest rangers, drunkenness, forest theft, embezzlement, investigation
Literature list: Gloriantov V.I. Vospominaniia davno proshedshego vremeni [Memories of a bygone time]. Russkii arkhiv [Russian archive]. 1906, book 1, № 2, pp. 209–220; № 3, pp. 427–431; book 2, № 7, pp. 391–398; book 3, № 11, pp. 471–480; 1907. book 1, № 2, pp. 277–289. (In Russ.) Gloriantov V.I. Potomstvennye dvoriane kantseliarskogo proiskhozhdeniia [Hereditary noblemen of clerical origin]. Russkii arkhiv [Russian archive]. 1905, book 1, № 4, pp. 662–674. (In Russ.) Malyshev A.A. Iz vospominanii o proshlom. 1830–1836 gg. [From memories of the past. 1830–1836]. Istoricheskii vestnik [Historical Bulletin]. 1885, vol. 20, № 6, pp. 645–664. (In Russ.) Pisar'kova L.F. Rossiiskii chinovnik na sluzhbe v kontse XVIII – pervoi polovine XIX veka [Russian official in service at the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th century]. Chelovek [Man]. 1995, № 4, pp. 147–158. (In Russ.) Polovtsov A.A. Zapiski A. A. Polovtsova [Polovtsov's notes]. Pusskaia starina [Russian antiquity]. 1913, vol. 156, № 10, pp. 149–154; № 11, pp. 301–317; № 12, pp. 631–643. (In Russ.) Istoricheskoe obozrenie piatidesiatiletnei deiatel'nosti ministerstva gosudarstvennykh imushchestv 1837–1887 [Historical Review of the Fifty Years of the Ministry of State Property 1837–1887]. Sankt-Peterburg, Tip. Kirshbaum Publ., 1888, Part 1. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Andrey S. Tyurin, Nizhny Novgorod institute of management the Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and public administration, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, andreynnr@yandex.ru