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- Pavel Bulygin’s Abyssinian poems in the magazine “Rubezh” (Border) (Harbin, 1935–1936)
- Kulikova E.Yu. Pavel Bulygin’s Abyssinian poems in the magazine “Rubezh” (Border) (Harbin, 1935–1936). Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 1, pp. 185-191 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-185-191
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-185-191
- УДК: 821.161.1.09«20»
- Publish date: 2021-02-12
- Annotation: The article is devoted to the Abyssinian poems by Pavel Bulygin, a poet and a prose writer who left Russia after the revolution, whose poems were published in Harbin weekly “Rubezh” (Border) (1935–1936). Exotic motives are analysed in the poet's work, for whom, following Nikolay Gumilyov, Africa became a “guiding star”: Bulygin's collection of poems “Alien Stars” is dedicated to Abyssinia – the name of the cycle clearly refers to Gumilyov's “Alien Sky”. Special attention is paid to the May issue of “Rubezh” (1936), where Bulygin’s five poems from the cycle “Alien Stars” were published under the general title “The poems about Abyssinia”. These texts are considered as a microcycle, united thematically – Bulygin's poetic bestiary is described, focused on Gumilyov in many respects; the literary nature of the poet's affection to African travels is noted not only through Gumilyov’s lyrics, but also through James Fenimore Cooper and Jack London’s adventure novels; it is pointed out that the poet uses the technique of “imaginary” ekphrasis, when instead of a really existing picture, his own one is recreated – poetic and as if picturesque at the same time. In addition to the publication in the May issue of “Rubezh” in 1936, there are Bulygin’s works, published in Harbin weekly in 1935 (“Saw Gin” (“Hyena-Man”), “Russian in Abyssinia”, “From a heated red stone...”). Immersion in African topos, warmed for Bulygin by Gumilyov's poetry and travels, helps the emigrant poet escape from loneliness, anguish and nostalgia.
- Keywords: Oriental emigration, exotic motifs, Africa, Abyssinia, “Rubezh” (Border) weekly, Harbin, reminiscences, Nikolay Gumilyov, Pavel Bulygin
- Funding and acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant № 19-18-00127 “Siberia and the Far East of the first half of the 20th century as a space for literary transfer”
- Literature list: Bulygin P. Na Strastnoi [On Holy Week]. Rubezh [Frontier]. Kharbin, 1936, № 15, p. 4. (In Russ.) Bulygin P. Pyl' chuzhikh dorog: sobranie stikhotvorenii [Dust of others roads: collection of poems]. Moscow, 2009, 480 p. (In Russ.) Bulygin P. Stikhi ob Abissinii (iz tsikla «Chuzhie zvezdy») [Poems about Abyssinia (from the cycle “Alien Stars”)]. Rubezh [Frontier]. Kharbin, 1936, № 19 (432), p. 6. (In Russ.) Bulygin P. Stranitsy ushedshego: rasskazy [Pages of left: stories]. Moscow, 2010, 108 p. (In Russ.) Gumilev N.S. Stikhotvoreniia i poemy [Poems]. Leningrad, 1988, 632 p. (In Russ.) Dmitriev I.E. Emigrantskii zhurnal «Rubezh» kak istochnik po antropologii mody russkogo zarubezh'ia 1930-1940-ch gg. [The emigrant magazine “Rubezh” as a source on the anthropology of fashion in the Russian diaspora in the 1930-1940s.] Istoricheskii zhurnal: nauchnye issledovaniia [Historical journal: scientific research]. 2019, № 5, pp. 102–112. (In Russ.) Kaufman E.S. K 10-letiiu izdaniia zhurnala [To the 10th anniversary of the publication of the magazine] Rubezh [Frontier]. Kharbin, 1938, № 13, pp. 1–2. (In Russ.) Kirillova E.O. Oriental'nye temy, obrazy, motivy v literature russkogo zarubezh'ia Dal'nego Vostoka (B.M. Iul'skii, N.A. Baikov, M.V. Shcherbakov, E.E. Iashnov) [Oriental themes, images, motives in the literature of the Russian diaspora of the Far East (B.M. Yulsky, N.A. Baikov, M.V. Shcherbakov, E.E. Yashnov)]. Vladivostok, Dal'nevostochnyy federal'nyy universitet Publ., 2015, 276 p. (In Russ.) Kulikova E.Iu. Afrikanskie «kartinki iz knizhki starinnoi» N. Gumileva [African “pictures from an old book” of N. Gumilyov]. Sibirskii filologicheskii zhurnal [Siberian Journal of Philology], 2010, № 4, pp. 76–83. (In Russ.) Kulikova E.Iu. O magistral'nykh i marginal'nykh putiakh russkoi poezii: «Chuzhie zvezdy» Nikolaia Gumileva i Pavla Bulygina [On the main and marginal paths of Russian poetry: “Foreign stars” by Nikolai Gumilyov and Pavel Bulygin]. Kritika i semiotika [Critique and semiotics], 2017, № 2, pp. 146–164. (In Russ.) Pil'skii P. Iantari. Novaia kniga: Pavel Bulygin. Stikhotvoreniia. Izd-vo Didkovskogo. Riga. 1937 [Ambers. New book: Pavel Bulygin. Poems. Didkovsky's publishing house. Riga. 1937]. Segodnya, 1937 (June 15), № 162, p. 8. (In Russ.) Tiutchev F.I. Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. Pis'ma: v 6-ti t. [Full composition of writings. Letters: in 6 vols.]. Moscow, Izdatel'skii Tsentr Publ., Klassika Publ., 2002, vol. 1, 528 p. (In Russ.) Chernov O. Istoriia zhurnala «Rubezh». Kharbin. 1926–45 gg. [History of the “Rubezh” magazine. Harbin. 1926-45]. URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20111026210644/http://antiq-books.com/dlya_antikvara/almanah-rubez-harbin/ (access date: 25.01.2021). (In Russ.) Chumakov Iu.N. Pushkin. Tiutchev. Opyt immanentnykh rassmotrenii [Pushkin. Tyutchev. Experience of immanent considerations]. Moscow, 2008, 416 p. (In Russ.)