Ivanov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky
The innermost men of Andrei Platonov: the typology of artistic, historical-literary and cultural context
Ivanov N.N. The innermost men of Andrei Platonov: the typology of artistic, historical-literary and cultural context. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2021, vol. 27, № 1, pp. 192-199 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-192-199
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2021-27-1-192-199
УДК: 821.161.1.09«20»
Publish date: 2021-02-12
Annotation: Types and characters of Andrei Platonov, his skill in creating artistic images, forms and ways of presenting the author's world – a topical historical and literary problem, which is considered in the context of modern research of Russian literature in the 1920s-1930s. This work is devoted to “innermost men” – Platonov author's discovery, certain artistic types, individualised, original and archetypal at the same time. They appeared as the result of Platonov's thought-making and language-making, superimposed on the colour of the epoch, historical, literary and cultural traditions. These and other difficult-to-grasp connections, intersections, and interactions were characterised in the course of research, which is based on the methodology of mythopoetic reconstruction of textual structures and discursive practices. Folklore and mythopoetic archetypes were established, and Platonov's creative motives were systematised. The most significant results of the work are the following. The existing ideas about the type of Platonov's artistic thinking are supplemented; the historical, literary and cultural context of the author's position formation is revealed; the functional side of mythopoetic motifs and archetypes in the creation of images is shown; new assessments of the content and form of a number of well-known works are given. Skill of Platonov is meaningful in the context of contemporary Russian prose of the 20th century, of neonatologists and word creation; augmented scientific understanding of complex phenomena in Russian literature of the first half of the 20th century.
Keywords: 20th century Russian literature, Andrei Platonov, artistic types and characters, poetics, prose language and style, mythopoetics
Literature list: Andrej Platonov: Vospominanija sovremennikov: materialy k biografii: sbornik [Memoirs of contemporaries: Materials for a biography. Collector]. Moscow, Sovremennyj pisatel' Publ., 1994, 295 p. (In Russ.) Bulgakov S.N. Religija chelovekobozhija v russkoj revoljucii [Religion of man-God in the Russian revolution]. Novyj mir [New world], 1989, № 10, pp. 221–229. (In Russ.) Varlamov A. Andrej Platonov. Moscow, Molodaja gvardija Publ., 2011, 592 p. (In Russ.) Vasil'ev V.V. Andrej Platonov: Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva [Andrey Platonov: Essay of life and creativity]. Moscow, Sowremennik Publ., 1990, 285 p. (In Russ.) Vechnoe solnce. Russkaja social'naja utopija i nauchnaja fantastika (vtoraja polovina XIX – nachalо XX veka) [The eternal sun. Russian social utopia and science fiction (the second half of the XIX-early XX century)]: comp. S. Kalmykov. Moscow, Molodaja gvardija Publ., 1979, 431 p. (In Russ.) Gjunter H. Po obe storony utopii: Konteksty tvorchestva A. Platonova [On both sides of utopia: Contexts of A. Platonov's creativity]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2012, 216 p. (Nauchnoe prilozhenie. Vyp. CV) [Scientific application. Iss. CV]. (In Russ.) Ivanov N.N. Svoeobrazie hudozhestvennogo jazyka v povesti A. Platonova «Kotlovan» [The originality of the artistic language in the story by A. Platonov “The Foundation Pit”]. Jaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik [Yaroslavl pedagogical Bulletin]. Jaroslavl', RIO JaGPU Publ., 2011, № 4, vol. 1, pp. 220–224. (In Russ.) Ivanov N.N. Recepciya arhetipa «narodnogo mudreca» v russkoj literature [Reception of the archetype of the “national sage” in Russian literature]. Verhnevolzhskij filologicheskij vestnik [Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin]: nauchnyj zhurnal. Yaroslavl', RIO YaGPU Publ., 2017, № 2, pp. 17–20. (In Russ.) Ivanov N.N. Faustianskie motivy v russkoj literature serebrjanogo veka [Faustian motifs in Russian literature of the silver age]. Verhnevolzhskij filologicheskij vestnik [Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin: nauchnyj zhurnal]. Jaroslavl', RIO JaGPU Publ., 2018, № 1, pp. 26–29. (In Russ.) Ivanov N.N. Filosofiya, estetika i poetika tvorchestva Mihaila Prischvina: monograiya [Philosophy, aesthetics and poetics of Mikhail Prishvin's creativity: monograph]. Yaroslavl', RIO YaGPU Publ., 2020, 175 p. (In Russ.) Kornienko N.V. Istorija teksta i biografija A.P. Platonova (1926–1946) [The history of the text and the biography of A.P. Platonov (1926–1946)]. Moscow, b. i., 1993, 320 p. (In Russ.) Losskij V.N. Ocherk misticheskogo bogosloviya vostochnoj cerkvi. Dogmaticheskoe bogoslovie [An essay on the mystical theology of the Eastern Church. Dogmatic theology]. Moscow, Centr «SEI» Publ., 1991, 287 p. (In Russ.) Maksimov S.V. Nechistaya, nevedomaya i krestnaya sila [An impure, unknown, and godly force]. SPb., T-vo R. Golike i A. Wil'borg Publ., 1903, 530 p. (In Russ.) Nevedomskij M.P. Bez kryl'ev (A.P. Chehov i ego tvorchestvo) [Without wings (A.P. Chekhov and his work)]. A.P. Chehov: pro et contra. Comp., under the General editorship of I.N. Suhih. SPb., RHGA Publ., 2002, рр. 786–830. (Russkij put'). (In Russ.) Platonov A. Kotlovan; Juvenil'noe more: Povesti [The pit; the Juvenile sea: Stories]. Moscow, Hudozh. Lit. Publ., 1987, 190 p. (In Russ.) Platonov A.P. Zapisnye knizhki. Materialy k biografii [Notebook. Materials for the biography]. Moscow, IMLI RAN Publ., 2006, 418 p. (In Russ.) Propp V.Ja. Sobranie trudov. T. 1, 2. Morfologija, Istorich. korni volshebnoj skazki. Pojetika fol'klora [Collected works. Vol. 1, 2. Morphology. Historical roots of a fairy tale. The poetics of folklore]. Moscow, Labirint Publ., 1998, 511 p. (In Russ.) Trubeckoj E. Inoe carstvo i ego iskateli v russkoj narodnoj skazke [The other Kingdom and its seekers in a Russian folk tale]. Moscow, Lepta Publ., 2000, 320 p. (In Russ.) Chalmaev V. Andrej Platonov. K sokrovennomu cheloveku [Andrey Platonov. To the innermost man]. Moscow, Sov. pisatel' Publ., 1989, 445 p. (In Russ.) Chalmaev V. Tvorcheskij put' i hudozhestvennoe novatorstvo Andreja Platonova [Creative path and artistic innovation of Andrey Platonov]. Russkaja literatura XX veka. Ocherki. Portrety. Jesse [Russian literature of the XX century. Essays. Portraits. Essay], part 2, comp. E.P. Pronina. Moscow, Prosveshhenie Publ., 1996, pр. 20–55. (In Russ.) Jenciklopedija simvolov, znakov, jemblem [Encyclopedia of symbols, signs, and emblems]. Moscow, Lokid Publ., 1999, 560 p. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Ivanov Nikolay Nikolaevich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Yaroslavl, Russia, Claus758@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6292-2903