Aleksandr N. Taganov
Ivanovo State University
The clinamen principle in the poetics of Alfred Jarry
Taganov A.N The clinamen principle in the poetics of Alfred Jarry. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 4, pp. 167-171 (In Russ.). DOI https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-4-167-171
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-4-167-171
УДК: 821(4).09"19/20"
Publish date: 2020-11-15
Annotation: The article examines the specificity of the aesthetic programme of one of the most extraordinary writers in the turn of the 20th century, in whose creative activity the features of the transition period are concentrated, and the gap with previous traditions is clearly visible. The basics of Alfred Jarry's artistic views are studied. The main attention is paid to the principle of «clinamen», which is the foundation of his artistic system. Taking this into consideration, we analyse such his works as «Les Minutes de Sable mémorial», «Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician», «Absolute Love» and the others, in which the features of Alfred Jarry's writing style are reflected most obviously. It is stated that Alfred Jarry's artistic system, based on the «clinamen» principle, approves the power of universal relativism that connects oppositions. The limits of knowledge, the limits of meaning in Alfred Jarry's work are constantly being pushed back – Alfred Jarry's absolute subjectivism is the result of disappointment in metaphysical thinking. In this connection, it is concluded that the strategy of knowledge, determined by such coordinates as truth, God, centre, universal meaning, loses its value. The faceless «clinamen» replaces the God-meaning. Alfred Jarry’s word, which acts on the principle of «clinamen», is the only way to withstand the chaos of existence. Willfully rejecting the original existing order, it creates its own world, which is built on semantic despotism, resulting from the deviation of meaning from the original meaning of the word.
Keywords: fin de siècle, "death of God", metaphysics, pataphysics, clinamen, Hermeticism, Deus ex machina.
Literature list: Delez Zh. Kritika i klinika [Criticism and clinic]. Sankt-Peterburg, Machina Publ., 2002, 240 p. (In Russ.) Zharri A. «Ubukorol’»i drugie proizvedeniia: p’esy, romany, esse ["Ubu the king" and other works: plays, novels, essays]. Moscow, B.S.G.-PRESS Publ., 2002, 603 p. (In Russ.) Khaidegger M. Vremia i bytie: Stat’i i vystupleniia [Time and being: Articles and speeches]. Moscow, Respublika Publ., 1993, 447 p. (In Russ.) Iampol’skii M. B. Nabludatel’. Ocherki istorii videniia [Observer: Essays on the history of vision]. Moscow, Ad Marginem Publ., 2000, 287 p. (In Russ.) Alfred Jarry. Une étude par Jeacque-Henry Levesque. Oeuvres choisies, bibliographie, dessins, portraits, fac-similiées. Paris, Seghers (“Poètesd’aujourd’hui”), 1967, 217 p. (In French) Arrivé M. Lire Jarry. Bruxelles, Editions Complexe, 1976, 172 p. (In French) Besnier P. Alfred Jarry. Paris, Fayard, 2005, рр. 13–17, 724 p. (In French) Jarry A. La chandelle verte. Le Castor Astral, 2007, 325 p. (In French) Jarry A. Les Minutes de Sable memorial suivies de Césare-Antéchrist. Paris, Fasquelle éditeurs, 1932, 262 p. (In French) Stеhlin C. Jarry, le cours Bergson et la philosophies. Europe, 1981, № 623–624, pp. 34–51. (In French)
Author's info: Aleksandr N. Taganov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Professor of Foreign Philology Department, Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo, Russia. E-mail: shishtag@mail.ru