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- Improvement of the educational process in the Land Gentry Cadet Corps in the second half of the 18th century
- Benda V.N. Improvement of the educational process in the Land Gentry Cadet Corps in the second half of the 18th century. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 4, pp. 15-21 (In Russ.). DOI
- DOI:
- УДК: 94(470)''18'':37
- Publish date: 2020-09-18
- Annotation: The purpose of the research is to analyse the experience of organising the educational process and daily life of the Land Gentry Cadet Corps of the Russian Empire. The article deals with the issues related to the definition of the role of Land Gentry Cadet Corps, which it played in the training of command personnel (officers and non-commissioned officers) for the Russian army and in the development of the military school of the Russian state during this period. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the approach to the study of the educational process in the cadet corps from the point of view of accounting and use of their experience to being in connection with the revival and development of specialised aircraft, artillery and other military schools in modern Russia. Based on the studied archival and other sources, the author focuses on the role of heads of military educational institutions in instilling high moral qualities and professional knowledge in cadets. Some previously unpublished archival sources are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
- Keywords: 18th century, Catherine II, Land Gentry Cadet Corps, curriculum, educational process, Mikhail Filosofov, Ivan Betskoy, Mikhail Kutuzov
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