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Еlena M. Boldyreva
Southwestern University of the People's Republic of China
Еlena V. Asaf’yevа
College of Management and Professional Technology, Yaroslavl
“House like a shadow”, “butterfly of revenge” and a “dead portrait”: motif concordance in Russian Gulag poetry and Chinese “fog poetry”
Boldyreva Е.M., Asaf’yeva Е.V. “House like a shadow”, “butterfly of revenge” and a “dead portrait”: motif concordance in Russian Gulag poetry and Chinese “fog poetry”. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 3, pp. 177–186 (In Russ.). DOI
УДК: 821.161.1.09”20”
Publish date: 2020-07-27
Annotation: The article considers the system of creative concordances of Russian gulag poets and representatives of Chinese "fog poetry". The creative work of poets is analysed in the context of typologically similar trends in the Russian and Chinese literary process – the Russian literature of the gulag and the Chinese literature "wounds and scars", "the fate of poets are considered as an example of the complex opposition of the personality to the totalitarian system. When comparing the works of the "fog poets" and the poets of the gulag, a lot of motifs and figurative calls significant for the artistic world of poets are revealed: images of a butterfly of revenge, shadow, a portrait leading to horror, a motif for identifying historical memory, a motif for the absence of guilty, a destroyed youth, the inseparability of the fate of man from the fate of the homeland, a motif for suffering for the good and faith in the future, a representation of poetry as a way of survival and overcoming evil, a motif for resistance to nature, a steady and decisive movement forward, a motif for bodily destruction, voices from under stone, patience. After studying a number of common ideas and motifs, the authors of the article conclude that the creative work of "fog poets" and gulag poets is not only a way to survive in harsh conditions of imprisonment and exile, but also a historically significant phenomenon, because it reflects the nature of the era in which poets were forced to write and exist. This body of texts is considered as a material for studying the status of the poetry word as an aesthetic means capable of giving historical and artistic evidence of the Soviet and Chinese reality of the 20th century.
Keywords: Gulag poetry, fog poetry, literature of wounds and scars, Russian literature of 20th century, Chinese literature, lyrical hero, artistic image, motif, allegory, metaphor.
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Author's info: Еlena M. Boldyreva, ORCID, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Institute of Foreign Languages, Southwest University, China E-mail:
Co-author's info: Еlena V. Asaf’yeva, ORCID, Russian language and literature teacher, College of Management and Professional Technology, Yaroslavl, Russia E-mail: