Vaqif N. Hüseynov
Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Applied Art and Design
On humanitarianism and humanism: linguistic and stylistic features of the statements of the leaders of literary groups in the early 1930s (based on the responses of Leopold Averbakh, Maxim Gorky, Viktor Shklovsky to the death of Vladimir Mayakovsky)
Hüseynov V.N. On humanitarianism and humanism: linguistic and stylistic features of the statements of the leaders of literary groups in the early 1930s (based on the responses of Leopold Averbakh, Maxim Gorky, Viktor Shklovsky to the death of Vladimir Mayakovsky). Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 2, pp. 179-184 (In Russ.). DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-2-179-184
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-2-179-184
УДК: 821.161.1.09”20”
Publish date: 2020-03-27
Annotation: The suicide of Vladimir Mayakovsky, the prophet of the revolution, its "agitator, bawler ringleader", which occurred in 1930, when the fate of the first five-year plan was being decided, coincided with a turning point in the Soviet Union's socio-political life. This death, as well as the former suicide of Sergei Yesenin, impressed the society dramatically – it rocked the social optimism of the builders of socialism, besmirching the prospects. The responses of Leopold Averbakh, Maxim Gorky and Viktor Shklovsky to the tragic event reveal their assessment of Vladimir Mayakovsky’s work and their attitude to him as a person and a bearer of a certain worldview. These responses are important documents of the time, because they revealed the moral traits of the leaders of the literary life of the country, those who were later called "engineers of human souls". The analysis of statements about Vladimir Mayakovsky's death, undertaken for the first time in this article, reveals the "style" of the era of socialist reconstruction, in which there are no ways to express sympathy for a person: the poet's tragedy became an occasion for polemics with class enemies (Leopold Averbakh), for edifying teaching (Maxim Gorky), for playing self-justification (Viktor Shklovsky). The "slogan", "educational" and "game" principles represent the triumphant "humanitarianism" of the public consciousness of the era, understood as a form of "social domination" that provides people with "words" of the position of the arbiters of human destinies. In these relations, there are no concepts characteristic of a patriarchal society that include words and concepts to explain the principle of functioning of the social organism in the categories of "humanity", understood as "moral", "conscientious", "cordial", "sincere", not happening from the mind, but from the action of the "spirit".
Keywords: Leopold Averbakh, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Maxim Gorky, Viktor Shklovsky, humanism, humanitarianism, socialist reconstruction, style, social dominance.
Literature list: Averbakh L.L. Pamiati Maiakovskogo [In memory of Mayakovsky]. 2-nd rev. ed. Moscow, Leningrad, GIKhL Publ., 1931, 48 p. (In Russ.) Gor'kii A.M. Poln. sobr. soch. Pis'ma [Complete Works]: in 24 vol. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2017, vol. 19, 998 p. (In Russ.) Gor'kii M. O solitere [About tapeworm]. Publitsisticheskie stat'i [Publicist articles]. Moscow, Leningrad, OGIZ-LENGIKhL Publ., 1933, 415 p. (In Russ.) Zhivov V.M. Iazyk i revoliutsiia. Razmyshleniia nad staroi knigoi A.M. Selishcheva [Language and revolution. Reflections on an old book by A.M. Selishchev]. Otechestvennye zapiski [Notes of the Fatherland], 2005, № 2. URL: https://magazines.gorky.media/oz/2005/2/yazyk-i-revolyucziya-razmyshleniya-nad-staroj-knigoj-a-m-selishheva.html (дата обращения: 30.03.2020). Katsis L.F. Vladimir Maiakovskii. Poet v intellektual'nom kontekste epokhi [Vladimir Mayakovsky. The poet in the intellectual context of the epoch]. 2-nd rev. ed. Moscow, RGGU Publ., 2004, 830 p. (In Russ.) Moskovskaia D.S. «Ia po sushchestvu masterovoi, brattsy». Vladimir Maiakovskii v reministsentsiiakh p'esy Andreia Platonova «Vysokoe napriazhenie» [I am essentially a craftsman, brothers! Vladimir Maykovsky in the reminiscences of Platonov's play “High voltage”]. Russkaia literatura [Russian literature], 2012, № 1, pp. 178–193. (In Russ.) Smert' Vladimira Maiakovskogo [Death of Vladimir Mayakovsky]. The Hague, Paris, Mouton Publ., 1975, 48 p. (In Russ.) Spiridonova L.A. M. Gor'kii: Novyi vzgliad [Gorky: A new look]. Moscow, IMLI Publ., 2004, 262 p. (In Russ.) Shklovskii V.B. V poiskakh optimizma [In search of optimism]. Moscow, Federatsiia Publ., 1931, 149 p. (In Russ.) Shklovskii V.B. Gamburgskii schet: Stat'i – vospominaniia – esse (1914–1933) [Hamburg account: articles – memoirs – essays]. Moscow, Sovetskii pisatel' Publ., 1990, 544 p. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Vaqif N. Hüseynov, ORCID 0000-0003-1229-0984, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Applied Art and Design, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: vagifng2007@yandex.ru