Marina A. Guseva
Belyayev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy
The structure of municipal government in medieval Cambridge
Guseva M.A. The structure of municipal government in medieval Cambridge. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 2, pp. 36–41 (In Russ.). DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-2-36-41
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-2-36-41
УДК: 94(4)"15"
Publish date: 2020-03-23
Annotation: Currently, the town of Cambridge is associated more with the university. Indeed, students appeared in the town as early as in the 13th century. Since that time, the life of the university and the town have been closely intertwined. The appearance of the university within the town community, of course, made its own adjustments to the life of Cambridge, including the functioning of the local administration, its structure. In this research, we examined the problem of the formation and development of the structure of municipal authority in medieval Cambridge, revealed the features of the local administration. Our study showed that by the late 15th century, the town had a fairly ramified system of municipal self-government. At the head of the corporation was the mayor, there was a collegial deliberative body – the Council of the 24. There were treasurers, bailiffs, a coroner and a recorder. This enabled the town to independently resolve issues of a socioeconomic, control and administrative nature. The peculiarities of the local administration, in our opinion, include the activities of conciliatory colleges from representatives of two communities – the town and the university. The existence of principals in the municipal houses in which the students lived. And also a rather early appearance in the structure of town power of an advisory body under the main officers of the corporation. These features of the Cambridge administration should be explained by the existence of a "scientific community" within the town limits, the need for local authorities to build their dialogue with it.
Keywords: municipal authorities, medieval town, University, corporation.
Literature list: Guseva M.A. Stanovlenie municipal'nogo samoupravlenija v anglijskih gorodah v XIV–XV vekah: struktura i funkcii: na primere svetskih i cerkovnyh gorodov): avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk [The formation of municipal self-government in English towns in the XIV-XV centuries: structure and functions: on the example of secular and church towns: author. dis. ... cand. hist. sciences]. Ivanovo, IvGU Publ., 2005, 22 p. (In Russ.) Guseva M.A. Otnoshenija goroda i universiteta Kembridzha vo vtoroj polovine XIV veka [Relations between the city and the University of Cambridge in the second half of the XIV century]. Politicheskaja zhizn' Zapadnoj Evropy: antichnost', srednie veka, novoe i novejshee vremja [Political life of Western Europe: antiquity, the middle ages, modern and modern times]. Arzamas, AGPI Publ., 2012, pр. 4–8. (In Russ.) Evseev V.A. Gorodskaja civilizacija Anglii ot Tjudorov do Stjuartov [Urban civilization of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts]. Moscow, Saint Petersburg., CGI Publ., 2019, 635 p. (In Russ.) Evseev V.A., Panjutina M.N. Cerkov' i stanovlenie anglijskih srednevekovyh universitetov [The Church and the formation of English medieval universities]. Cerkovno-istoricheskij ezhegodnik [Church-historical Yearbook]. Ivanovo, IvGU Publ., 2002, vol. 2002, pp. 123–125. (In Russ.) Kirillova A.A. Klassovaja bor'ba v gorodah Vostochnoj Anglii v XIV vv. [Class struggle in the cities of Eastern England in the XIV century]. Voprosy social'noj i klassovoj bor'by v anglijskih gorodah XIV–XV vv. [Questions of social and class struggle in English cities of the XIV-XV centuries]. Moscow, [b. i.], 1969, p. 240–249]. (In Russ.) Lychagin A.V. Jevoljucija vzaimootnoshenij anglijskih universitetov s cerkov'ju, gosudarstvom i gorodskoj sredoj v XIII – pervoj polovine XV vv.: avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk [Evolution of the relationship of English universities with the Church, state and urban environment in the XIII – first half of the XV centuries: autoref. dis. … kand. hist. sciences]. Stavropol, SSU Publ., 2001, 25 p. (In Russ.)
Author's info: Marina A. Guseva, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Belyayev Ivanovo State Agricultural Academy, Ivanovo, Russia E-mail: gmar@inbox.ru