Kamilla B. Sabitova
Kazan Federal University
«Kazan museum herald» on museum work in Tatarstan in the 1920s
Sabitova K.B. «Kazan museum herald» on museum work in Tatarstan in the 1920s. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 3, pp. 74-80 (In Russ.). DOI https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-3-74-80
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-3-74-80
УДК: 069
Publish date: 2020-06-21
Annotation: The article is devoted to the consideration of the problems of formation and analysis of the content of one of the first specialised museological periodicals – Kazan Museum Herald, published in 1920-1924. The sources of the research were both the materials of the publication itself and the works of museologists who actively participated in the creation and activities of the journal. The application of methods of source study analysis allowed to consider the main range of problems that worried the museum community in the early 1920s, the directions of museum work that should have been covered in the pages of the publication and, for one reason or another, were not developed, to analyse the subject of publications and reflected in materials of the publication of museum work in different regions of the country. The conclusions of the work emphasise the importance of the publication for the development of museum work in the territory of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the early years of Soviet power, an important place occupied in the journal by materials on the problems of the exposition, research and educational activities of the Central Museum of the TASSR. However, the specifics of the publication was the way the topic went beyond solving exclusively local problems, considering the state of provincial museums in the country, issues of theory and practice of museum work, and problems of protecting monuments. The broad scientific approach of the publication to these problems, attracting to work and publications not only local scientists, museologists, but also art historians and pedagogues made Kazan Museum Herald a unique source on the history of the formation of Soviet museum work.
Keywords: Kazan museum herald, museum work, Tatar culture, Russian Civil War, publishing, education, Pyotr Dul’sky, Central museum of the TASSR.
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Author's info: Kamilla B. Sabitova, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8440-8705, postgraduate student of the Department of Russian History, Kazan (near-the-Volga) Federal University, Kazan, Tatarstan autonomy, Russia. E-mail: runaway94s@gmail.com