Ella Z. Dzhamil’
Belgorod State National Research University
Law-regulating potential of the Resolution of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 44-П as of December 6, 2018
Dzhamil’ E.Z. Law-regulating potential of the Resolution of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation No. 44-П as of December 6, 2018 // Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 1, рр. 212-216. DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-212-216
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-212-216
УДК: 347.9
Publish date: 2019-12-18
Annotation: Every decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation attracts the closest attention of the legal community, as it affects a wide range of public relations and the development of law in general. There is therefore no surprise about the interest in the Decision of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, on the 6th of December, 2018, No. 44-П adopted on business about check of constitutionality of the Law of the Republic of Ingushetia "On approval of the Agreement on the establishment of the border between the Republic of Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic" and the agreement on the establishment of the border between the Republic of Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic in connection with the request of the Head of Ingushetia, which marks another stage in the development of federalism in Russia. The conclusions formulated in this judgement clarify the competence of the Federation Council in terms of establishing the boundaries of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which explains the issues related to the referendum and to identification of the views of the population of the respective municipalities when such a demarcation takes place, and definition of the limits of the discretionary powers of the constitutional (Charter) courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in terms of blocking laws of the subjects. At the same time, many of the legal positions expressed by the Court appear to be at least controversial and need adequate reflection.
Keywords: constitutional Court, constitutional (statutory) courts, legal positions, borders between subjects, constitutional justice, federalism, territorial self-determination, territorial delimitation, local self-government, referendum.
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Author's info: Ella Z. Dzhamil’, assistant judge of the Arbitration court of Krasnodar Region, post-graduate student of the Department of constitutional and municipal law of Belgorod State National Research University, Krasnodar, Russia. E-mail: hanga17@mail.ru