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- Political police of Kostroma Province and its cadre personnel in 1826–1867
- Bril’ G.G., Zaytsev L.N. Political police of Kostroma Province and its cadre personnel in 1826–1867. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. 2020, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 221-227 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-221-227
- DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-1-221-227
- УДК: 94(470)”1826/1867”
- Publish date: 2020-01-24
- Annotation: The article examines the process of origin and formation of the political police of Kostroma Province in the mid-19th century. Special attention is paid to the issue of its staffing and the wide use of army officers for service in the political police. The chronological framework covers a little-studied period of activity of the political police in Kostroma Province. The authors of the article note that the Highest orders of military ranks that had a special place in the appointment of the headquarters and chief officers of the political police. On the basis of archival materials, the main directions of service activities of the highest ranks of the political police in the region are analysed. The article reveals the contribution of the gendarmes' Corps chiefs to the protection of public order during the period under review. The author reveals the attitude of the authorities to literacy among the lower ranks of the gendarmerie. On the basis of historical and archival documents, it is concluded that the successful career of officers was promoted by conscientious performance of their official duties, their "excellent-diligent and zealous service". It is concluded that special attention was paid to discipline among the gendarmes. The political police were independent of other branches of government, and were subordinate only to the headquarters of the gendarmes' corps and the third division of His Imperial Majesty's own office. Gaps in the historical and legal coverage of the work of the state security Agency in the province of the Russian Empire at the first stage of its existence are filled.
- Keywords: political police, Regulations on gendarmes Corps, office of Kostroma provincial gendarmes staff officer.
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