Yevgeniy Ye. Abekhtikov
Kostroma State University
On the contradictions in the Proletkult
Abekhtikov Ye.Ye. On the contradictions in the "Proletkult". Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 43–46 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2019-26-1-43-46
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2019-26-1-43-46
УДК: 94(470)”1917”
Publish date: 2019-12-13
Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of proletarian culture, the history of the creation and functioning of the Proletkult organisation. The author considers its theoretical basis, the practical implementation of which proved to be problematic. The work shows that all Marxist intellectuals believed that proletarian culture has nothing to do with the bourgeois one. Alexander Bogdanov, the most influential ideologist of the Proletkult, believed that the proletarian culture is developed by the newest proletariat, which he called "industrial". An analysis of the majority of his statements shows that the intelligentsia and peasantry was not even considered to be involved in the creation of the new culture by Alexander Bogdanov. However, during its heyday, the Proletkult was a refuge for intellectuals who devoted themselves to the service of Revolution and the Communist Party. The article also draws attention to the problem of the relationship of the creators and organisers of the Proletkult with the Soviet state and the Bolshevik Party. The Proletkult claimed autonomy in the sphere of culture, completely rejecting the idea of submission to any state institution. However, Lenin evaluated the Proletkult negatively, considering it to be not only useless, but also harmful. Part of Lenin’s problem with the Proletkult was Alexander Bogdanov personally, as he would be the rival of the former at one time and, possibly, could be the political rival in future, using the Proletkult as an organisational base.
Keywords: proletarian culture, Proletkult, "Vpered" (Forward), Alexander Boglanov, Lenin, Bolsheviks, proletariat, proletarian consciousness, intelligentsia.
Literature list: Bogdanov A.A., Malinovskii A.A. Nauka ob obshchestvennom soznanii: Kratkii kurs ideologicheskoi nauki v voprosakh i otvetakh [The Science of Social Consciousness: A Short Course in Ideological Science in Questions and Answers.]. Petrograd, Moskva, Knigoizdatel'skoe tovarishchestvo Kniga Publ., 1923, 194 p. Bogdanov A.A. Puti proletarskogo tvorchestva [Ways of proletarian creativity]. Proletarskaia kul'tura [Proletarian culture], 1920, № 15–16. Bulavka-Buzgalina L.A. Proletarskie massy i kul'tura: preodolenie otchuzhdeniia [The «Proletarian Masses» and Culture: Overcoming Alienation] Filosofskie nauki [Philosophical Sciences], 2013, № 12, pp. 74–88. Kolychev P.M., Khakhalova A.A. Sotsial'no-filosofskoe osmyslenie politicheskikh istokov proletarskoi kul'tury [Socio-philosophical grounding of the conception of proletarian culture]. Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Ser.: Filosofiia [Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Ser.: Philosophy], 2018, № 2, pp. 206–216. Lapina I. Ber Borokhov i Aleksandr Bogdanov: proletarskii sionizm i programma proletarskoi kul'tury [Ber Borokhov and Alexander Bogdanov: the Proletarian Zionism and the Program of Proletarian Culture]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii po iudaike [Proceedings of the International Conference on Jewish Studies]. Tula: Grif i K Publ., 2008, pp. 194–211.
Author's info: Yevgeniy Ye. Abekhtikov, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia. E-mail: zhzh@yandex.ru